Call Number (LC) Title Results
K670.S73 2005 International Family Law : an Introduction. 1
K670 .S73 2005 International family law : an introduction / 2
K670 .T43 2024 Teaching family law : reflections on pedagogy and practice / 1
K670 .T44 2004 Between sex and power : family in the world, 1900-2000 / 1
K670 ebook Intervenciones sociojurídicas en familias : desafíos en la sociedad contemporánea.
Problemas del derecho de familia, infancia y adolescencia : reflexiones desde distintas experiencias jurídicas /
Persona, familia y sucesiones /
Estudios de derecho de las personas, familia, obligaciones y contratos /
Derecho de familia y sucesiones /
Tendencias actuales del derecho de las personas, familia y sucesiones /
Soluciones prácticas a controversias de la vida diaria : casos prácticos : jurídicos, socio-jurídicos, sociales /
K672 Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in domestic courts
What is a family justice system for? /
K672 .C38 2012eb Gender power and mediation : evaluative mediation to challenge the power of social discourses / 1
K672 .D54 2019 Digital family justice : from alternative dispute resolution to online dispute resolution? / 1
K672 .G46 2017 Gender and justice in family law disputes : women, mediation, and religious arbitration / 1
K672 .M343 2021 Hershman and Mcfarlane. 1
K675 Marriage and Cohabitation: Regulating Intimacy, Affection and Care. 1
K675 .A54 1894i Reports on the laws on marriage and divorce in foreign countries presented to the House of Commons by command of Her Majesty, in pursuance of their addresses dated September 7, 1893. 1
K675 .B35 2010 Polygamy in the monogamous world : multicultural challenges for Western law and policy / 1
K675 .B87 1910i The comparative law of marriage and divorce 1
K675 .C43 2016 Public practice, private law : an essay on love, marriage, and the state / 1
K675.C48 2016 Public Practice, Private Law : an Essay on Love, Marriage, and the State. 1
K675 .C48 2016 Public practice, private law : an essay on love, marriage, and the state / 1
K675 .C65 The foreign laws of marriage and divorce / 1
K675 .E74 1990 The right to marry and to found a family : a world-wide human right / 1
K675 .F54 2016eb Autonomía de la voluntad, capitulaciones matrimoniales y pactos en previsión de ruptura : en España, Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico / 1