Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
K7000-7720.22 |
Do Exclusionary Rules Ensure a Fair Trial? : a Comparative Perspective on Evidentiary Rules / Conversion of Former BTW Facilities / Yearbook Maritime Law Volume I / A Chronicle of China's Notary History (1902-1979) Northern Finland's Post-War Colonizing and Emigration a Geographical Analysis of Rural Demographic Counter-Currents / |
5 |
K7000-7720.22K7073-7 |
Building a government based on the rule of law : history and development / The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2018 |
2 |
K7000 .P484 2022i | Transforming world trade and investment law for sustainable development | 1 |
K7001 .I58 | International law update. | 1 |
K7001 .Y42 2006 v.8 | Yearbook of Private International Law : Volume VIII (2006) | 1 |
K7002.B43no.1-7 7002 .B43 no. 1-7 |
Die lex loci contractus im amerikanischen Internationalprivatrecht / Die ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung im französischen Privatrecht : unter Berücksichtigung des deutschen Bürgerlichen Rechts / Die Kartellbindung bei internationalen Kartellen / Der Wortschatz des österreichischen Allgemeinen bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches / Die Staatsangehörigkeit bei juristischen Personen des Privatrechts : Fragestellungen und Lösungsversuche / Vertragsgültigkeit und Parteiwille in Lehre und Rechtsprechung des internationalen Schuldrechts / Güterrechtliche Wirkungen der Ehe bei verschiedener Staatsangehörigkeit der Ehegatten im Internationalen Privatrecht / |
7 |
K7005 .H34 2004 | Recueil des conventions (1951-2003) / | 1 |
K7005 .H34 2009 | Recueil des conventions (1951-2009) / | 1 |
K7015 .I58 | International encyclopaedia of laws : private international law / | 1 |
K7021 .S74 1958 | Sachnormen im internationalen Privatrecht / | 1 |
K7030 .G35 1955 | Der Einfluss Dumoulins auf die Entwicklung des Kollisionsrechts / | 1 |
K7030 .H38 2021 | Preclassical conflict of laws / | 2 |
K7030 .H38 2021i | Preclassical conflict of laws | 1 |
K7030 .W37 1992 | Joseph Story and the comity of errors : a case study in conflict of laws / | 2 |
K7033 1904i | Official report of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists held at St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., September 28, 29, and 30, 1904, under the auspices of the Universal Exposition and the American Bar Association / | 1 |
K7033 1994 | Les clauses d'exception en matière de conflits de lois et de conflits de juridictions, ou, le principe de proximité : XIVe congrès international de droit comparé = Exception clauses in conflicts of laws and conflicts of jurisdictions, or, the principle of proximity : XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law / | 1 |
K7033 1998 | Private international law at the end of the 20th century : progress or regress? : XVth International Congress of Comparative Law / | 1 |
K7033 2005 | Private law, private international law, & judicial cooperation in the EU-US relationship / | 1 |
K7033 .I58 2017 | On judicial management from comparative perspective International Association of Procedural Law Conference, 8-10, Nov. 2017, Tianjin, PRC / | 1 |
K7035 .L44 2000 | Legal aspects of globalization : conflict of laws, Internet, capital markets and insolvency in a global economy / | 1 |