Call Number (LC) Title Results
K7040 .B286 2018 Nineteenth-century perspectives on private international law / 1
K7040 .B286 2018i Nineteenth century perspectives on private international law 1
K7040 .B3 1862 Das internationale privat- und strafrecht / 1
K7040.B3 G513 International law : private and criminal / 1
K7040.B3 G513f 1883 International law private and criminal / 1
K7040 .B37 1892 The theory and practice of private international law / 1
K7040 .B37f 1892 The theory and practice of private international law 1
K7040 .C657 2023 The common law jurisprudence of the conflict of laws / 1
K7040 .C66 1996 Conflict of laws / 1
K7040 .D47 1909i Précis de droit international privé 1
K7040 .E43 1950 Kokusai shihō / 1
K7040 .E87 2022i Essays in international litigation for Lord Collins 1
K7040 .E96 2005 Evolution of party autonomy in international civil disputes / 1
K7040 .F35 1947i Essays on the conflict of laws 1
K7040 .F35 1954i Essays on the conflict of laws 1
K7040 .F47 1998 Derecho internacional privado : (una mirada actual sobre sus elementos esenciales) / 1
K7040 .F67 1996 Foreign courts : civil litigation in foreign legal cultures / 2
K7040 .F725 1926 Internationales privatrecht (grenzrecht) / 1
K7040 .F73 1950 Projet d'un code européen de droit international privé / 1
K7040 .G37 2012 Substance and procedure in private international law / 1