Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
K7360 .L67 1919 | The conflict of laws relating to bills and notes, preceded by a comparative study of the law of bills and notes, | 1 |
K7360 .L67 1919i | The conflict of laws relating to bills and notes preceded by a comparative study of the law of bills and notes / | 1 |
K7365 .C67 | Les conflits de lois en matière de lettre de change dans la Convention de La Havane. (Codigo de Bustamante) | 1 |
K7384.L48 G69 1999 | International letters of credit : resolving conflict of law disputes / | 1 |
K7384.L48 K87 1985 | Letters of credit under international trade law : UCC, UCP, and law merchant / | 1 |
K7390 .H65 | The price of money, 1946 to 1969; an analytical study of United States and foreign interest rates, | 1 |
K7400 .C76 2001 | Cross-border security and insolvency / | 1 |
K7415 .M48 1962i | International law, trade, and finance realities and prospects / | 1 |
K7430 .M34 | Diritto uniforme e diritto internazionale privato in tema di trasporto. | 1 |
K7449 .T47 1994 | International conflict of laws : common, civil, and maritime / | 1 |
K7452 .U545 1991 | Official records : documents of the conference and summary records of the plenary meetings and of the meetings of the main committees / | 1 |
K7452 ebook |
LA INMUNIDAD SOBERANA EN LOS ESPACIOS MARINOS La inmunidad soberana en los espacios marinos / |
2 |
K7460.P7 (INTERNET) |
By the Queene the Queenes Maiesties proclamation, declaring her princely intention to inhibite her subiects vpon most extreme paynes from offending on the seas, any persons in their ships or goods, being the subiected of any prince, potentate or state, in amitie with her Maiestie. By the Queene the Queenes Maiesties proclamation, declaring her princelie intention to inhibit her subiects vpon most extreme paines, from offending on the seas, any persons in their ships or goods, being the subiectes of any prince, potentate, or state, in amitie with her Maiestie. |
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K7470 | Private international law of reinsurance and insurance / | 1 |
K7485 .R67 1982 | National laws and international commerce : the problem of extraterritoriality / | 1 |
K7485 .R67 2017 | National laws and international commerce : the problem of extraterritoriality / | 1 |
K7490 .S87 1995 | Surveys of the member states' powers to investigate and sanction violations of national competition laws / | 1 |
K7490 ebook | Aspectos fundamentales del criminal compliance / | 1 |
K7495 .M56 1987x | International investment and multinational enterprises. approaches of "moderation and restraint" | 1 |
K7510 |
International insolvency law : national laws and international texts / Wet en Duiding Insolventie. Cross-border insolvency the enactment and interpretation of the UNCITRAL Model Law / Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency : an Analysis for Germany, England & Wales and the USA / |
4 |