Call Number (LC) Title Results
K738 .S36 2006 Negotiating claims : the emergence of indigenous land claim negotiation policies in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States / 1
K738 .S525 2016eb  
K738 .V356 2017eb Valuing land tenure rights : a technical guide on valuing land tenure rights in line with the Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security. 1
K738 .W45 1839r A new collection of laws, charters and local ordinances of the governments of Great Britain, France and Spain : relating to the concessions of land in their respective colonies, together with the laws of Mexico and Texas on the same subject, to which is prefixed Judge Johnson's translation of Azo and Manuel's Institutes of the civil law of Spain / 1
K738 ebook El territorio indi��gena : un potencial denominador comu��n antropolo��gico, un marco juri��dico internacional y tres modelos constitucionales en el continente / 1
K740 .C66 2021 Condominium governance and law in global urban context / 1
K740 ebook Aspectos esenciales de la propiedad horizontal. 2
K747 .I58 2005 International real estate handbook : acquisition, ownership and sale of real estate -- residence, tax and inheritance law / 1
K747 .U53 1999 UNCITRAL model law on procurement of goods, construction and services with guide to enactment. 2
K747 .V468 2015 Commission universite-palais (cup) : la vente immobiliere. 1
K748.E89 Z3 1956 Zashchititelʹnye rechi sovetskikh advokatov / 1
K754.A5 (INTERNET) The pretended perspective-glass, or, Some reasons of many more which might be offered against the pretended registring reformation 1
K754 .A52 1895i Torrens title cases being a collection of important cases decided by the courts of England, Australasia and Canada upon statutes relating to the transfer of land by registration of title, with a full digest of the cases / 1
K754.A6 N49 2018 Land registration and title security in the digital age : new horizons for Torrens / 1
K754 .A77 2012eb Institutional foundations of impersonal exchange : theory and policy of contractual registries / 1
K754 .B56 Cadastral surveys and records of rights in land; an FAO land tenure study. 1
K754 .D35 1995 Cadastral surveys and records of rights in land / 1
K754 .D69 1964i Land registration 1
K754 .D85 1900 Registering titles to land : a series of lectures delivered at Yale / 1
K754 .D85 1900i Registering title to land a series of lectures delivered at Yale / 1