Call Number (LC) Title Results
K754 .H65 1936i Tenures and titles 1
K754 .N53 1912i An analysis of the Torrens system of conveying land with references to the Torrens statutes of Australasia, England, Ireland, Canada and the United States : with an appendix containing the original Torrens Act / 1
K754 .T67 1894i The Torrens system of registration and transfer of the title to real estate its principles explained and its methods set forth / 1
K756.A6 C45 2018 The Cambridge handbook of commons research innovations / 2
K756.A6 C45 2022i The Cambridge handbook of commons research innovations 1
K756.A6 L44 2016 Legal aspects of land rights and the use of land in Asia, Africa, and Europe / 1
K756 .C66 2010 Comparative perspectives on communal lands and individual ownership : sustainable futures / 1
K756 .C66 2010eb Comparative perspectives on communal lands and individual ownership : sustainable futures / 1
K756 .G46i Gender and land rights database 1
K756 .L44 2018 Legal strategies for the development and protection of communal property / 1
K757 .G37 1951 Las libertades del aire y la soberania de las naciones = Les libertes de l'air et le souverainete des nations = The freedoms of the air and the sovereignty of nations / 1
K758 .C43 2011 Out of water : from abundance to scarcity and how to solve the world's water problems / 1
K758 .C66 2018 Complexity of transboundary water conflicts : enabling conditions for negotiating contingent resolutions / 1
K758 .D67 1891i The law of riparian rights, alluvion and fishery with introductory lectures on the rights of littoral states over the open sea, territorial waters, bays, &c., and the rights of the crown and the littoral proprietors respectively over the fore-shore of the sea / 1
K758 .S83 2018 Contesting Water Rights / 1
K761.A56 I58 1910 International servitudes. English translations of extracts from works by Argentinian, Austrian, Belgian, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Swiss publicists, together with extracts from the works of British and American publicists. 1
K762 .V34 1958 Servitudes of international law : a study of rights in foreign territory. 1
K764 .M65 2015eb Usufructo de pecunia aplicación a los fondos de inversión desde la ley de jurisdicción voluntaria / 1
K764 M7262 2016 Usufructo de pecunia. 1
K778 Cuestiones Sobre Consumidores y Cláusulas Abusivas en Préstamos Hipotecarios 1