Call Number (LC) Title Results
KBP69.5 .Z343 2016eb Shari'a in the Modern Era : Muslim Minorities Jurisprudence. 1
KBP144 Inferences by parallel reasoning in Islamic Jurisprudence Al-Shīrāzī's insights into the dialectical constitution of meaning and knowledge /
Routledge handbook of Islamic law /
The Oxford handbook of Islamic law /
Klassieke sharia en vernieuwing.
Sharia Compliant : a User's Guide to Hacking Islamic Law /
Studies in Modern Islamic Law and Jurisprudence /
Islamic legal theory.
The renewal of Islamic law Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr, Najaf, and the Shi'i International /
Islamic Law.
Islamic natural law theories
Sufis and sharī'a : the forgotten school of mercy /
Juridical perspectives between Islam and the West : a tale of two worlds /
KBP144 .A246 2018 Understanding Sharia : Islamic law in a globalised world / 1
KBP144 .A348 2010 Introduction to Islamic law / 1
KBP144 .A4424 2020 Demystifying Shariah : what it is, how it works, and why it's not taking over our country / 1
KBP144 .A448 2016 Modern challenges to Islamic law /
Modern Challenges to Islamic Law /
KBP144 .A45 2016 Modern challenges to Islamic law / 1
KBP144 .A46 2018 Sharia compliant : a user's guide to hacking Islamic law / 1
KBP144 .A535 1976 Law reform in the Muslim world / 1
KBP144 .A84 2016 The Ashgate research companion to Islamic law / 1
KBP144 .A844 2016 The Ashgate Research Companion to Islamic Law. 1
KBP144 .A95 2007 Qaḍāyā al-maʻrifah fī al-fiqh al-Islāmī / 1
KBP144 .B36 2007 An outline of Islamic jurisprudence / 1
KBP144 .B49 2011 Understanding Islamic law : Sharīʻa / 1
KBP144 .B55 2013 Modern perspectives on Islamic law / 1
KBP144 .C46 2020 Tawhid and Shari'ah : a transdisciplinary methodological enquiry / 1
KBP144 .D54 2004 Islamic law : from historical foundations to contemporary practice / 2
KBP144 .D8713 2018 What is the sharia? / 1
KBP144 .E87 2018 Shariah : what everyone needs to know / 2
KBP144 .F3653 2018eb The foundation of norms in Islamic jurisprudence and theology / 2