Call Number (LC) Title Results
KBP315 .F47 2003 Cuestiones legales del islam temprano : la "Utbiyya" y el proceso de formación de la sociedad islámica andalusí / 1
KBP315 .M344 2007 Shajarat al-nūr al-zakīyah fī ṭabaqāt al-Mālikīyah / 1
KBP315 .M36 1995 The Maliki school of law : spread and domination in North and West Africa, 8th to 14th centuries C.E. / 1
KBP320.M35 A3513 1989eb Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas : the first formulation of Islamic law / 1
KBP320.M35 A3513 2019 Al-Muwaṭṭaʼ : (the recension of Yaḥyā b. Yaḥyā al-Laythī (d. 234/848)) / 1
KBP320.M353 D88 2007eb Original Islam : Malik and the madhhab of Madina / 1
KBP320.Q27 I35 2017eb The criterion for distinguishing legal opinions from judicial rulings and the administrative acts of judges and rulers / 1
KBP320.S53 R3913 2005eb Imam Al Shatibi's Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law 1
KBP320.T85 A35 2000 Muẖtaṣar = Compendio / 1
KBP325 .K66 2022 Islamic law in circulation : Shāfiʻī texts across the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean /
Islamic law in circulation : Shāfiʻī texts across the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean /
KBP330.A45 W45 2010eb The search for God's law : Islamic jurisprudence in the writings of Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī / 1
KBP330.I2633 A3813 1999 Reliance of the traveller : the classic manual of Islamic sacred law ʻUmdat al-salik / 1
KBP330.I43 S55 2019 Law and politics under the Abbasids : an intellectual portrait of al-Juwayni / 1
KBP330.S53 A65 2011 Imam Shafi'i : scholar and saint / 1
KBP330.S97 S57 2017 The legal thought of Jalāl al-Din al-Suyūṭī : authority and legacy / 1
KBP350 .B46 2015 Moral rationalism and Sharīʻa : independent rationality in modern Shīʻī uṣūl al-fiqh /
Moral rationalism and Sharīʻa : independent rationality in modern Shīʻī uṣūl al-fiqh /
KBP350 .G54 2000 Inevitable doubt : two theories of Shīʻī jurisprudence / 1
KBP355 .C55 2012 The early history of Ismaili jurisprudence : law under the Fatimids : a critical edition of the Arabic text and English translation of al-Qāḍī al-Nuʻmān's Minhāj al-farāʼiḍ / 1
KBP360.N86 A33 2012 The Epistle of the eloquent clarification concerning the refutation of Ibn Qutayba / 1
KBP365 .T87 2001 al-Mabsūṭ fī fiqh al-Imāmīyah / 1