Call Number (LC) Title Results
KBP1538 .S54 2011eb Refugee status in Islam : concepts of protection in Islamic tradition and international law / 1
KBP1572 .J36 2018eb Islam, law, and the modern state : (re)imagining liberal theory in Muslim contexts / 1
KBP1580 .S53 2010eb Sharia incorporated : a comparative overview of the legal systems of twelve Muslim countries in past and present /
Sharia incorporated a comparative overview of the legal systems of twelve Muslim countries in past and present /
KBP1610 .S87 2012 Studies on the Islamic judicial system / 1
KBP1611 .W66 2017 Women judges in the Muslim world : a comparative study of discourse and practice / 5
KBP1664 .I27 2015 Pragmatism in Islamic law : a social and intellectual history / 1
KBP1847 .S23 1994 Al₋Muqniʻ fī ʻilm al₋šurūṭ (Formaulario Notarial) / 1
KBP2000 .F45 2008 The fall and rise of the Islamic state / 1
KBP2000 .F45 2012 The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State / 1
KBP2035 .A43 2011 Democracy in Islamic and international law / 1
KBP2101 .A47 2023 Democracy under God : constitutions, Islam and human rights in the Muslim world / 1
KBP2101 .A474 2023 Democracy under God : constitutions, Islam, and human rights in the Muslim world / 2
KBP2101 .A83 1961i The principles of state and government in Islam 1
KBP2101 .H87 1954i The constitution of the Arab Empire 1
KBP2101 .J33 1996 Islamic law and the state : the constitutional jurisprudence of Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi / 1
KBP2102 .A83 1961 The principles of state and government in Islam. 1
KBP2102 .L66 2006 State law as Islamic law in modern Egypt : the incorporation of the Sharī a into Egyptian constitutional law / 1
KBP2400 .I83 2016 Islamic and transnational diplomatic law : a quest for complementarity in divergent legal theories / 1
KBP2400 .I86 2016eb Islamic law and transnational diplomatic law : a quest for complementarity in divergent legal theories / 1
KBP2416 Jihadism : past and present / 1