KBR1362.22 .T73 2016
Gratian's Tractatus de penitentia : a new Latin edition with English translation / |
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KBR1366 .E5 1993eb
The treatise on laws : (Decretum DD. 1-20) / |
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The making of Gratian's Decretum / |
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KBR1565 1839
Corpus juris canonici / |
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KBR1570 .M85 1994
Huguccio : the life, works, and thought of a twelfth-century jurist / |
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KBR1704.A3 S466 2013
Petri de Alliaco Questiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum / |
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KBR1705 .M65 1876i
Die decretale Per venerabilem von Innocenz III, und Ihre Stellung im Öffentlichen Rechte der Kirche kanonistische studie / |
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KBR1798.5.A4 D53 1487
Rep[er]torium siue tabula notabiliu[m] questionu[m] articulo[rum]. dictoru[m]. et de o[mn]ibus his que ex copiosissime dict[is] docto[rum] signanter ... d[omi]ni Nicolai Archiep[iscop]i Panormi ... / |
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KBR2074.F46 A5 1770i
Bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica nec non ascetica, polemica, rubricistica, historica, &c. de principalioribus, & fere omnibus, quae in dies occurrunt, nec penes omnes facile, & prompte reperiri possunt, ex utroque jure, Pontif. Constitutionibus, Conciliis, Sacr. Congregationum Decretis, Sac. Rot. Rom. Decisionibus, ac probatissimis, et selectissimis Auctoribus accurrate collecta, adaucta, Ordine Alphabetico congesta, ac in decem tomos distributa / |
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KBR2074.F46 A5 1885i
Bibliotheca canonica iuridica moralis theologica nec non ascetica polemica rubricistica historica / |
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KBR2074.M87 C87715 2004
Curso de derecho canónico hispano e indiano / |
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KBR2074.P39 A2 1712
Melchioris Pastoris juris canonici in alma Aqui-sextiensi Academia professoris Opera omnia / |
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KBR2074.S84 A2 2014
Selections from three works / |
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KBR2160.G55 A33 1993
Canon law in the age of reform, 11th-12th centuries / |
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KBR2172.F44 A35 1972
Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte : die katholische Kirche. |
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KBR2191.2 .T9 1851i
The letters apostolic of Pope Pius IX considered, with reference to the law of England and the law of Europe / |
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KBR2206 .L387 1889i
Introductio in Corpus juris canonici cum appendice brevem introductionem in Corpus juris civilis continente / |
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KBR2224 .M85 1979
Popes, lawyers, and infidels : the church and the non-Christian world, 1250-1550 / |
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KBR2336 .D84 2013
Armsbearing and the clergy in the history and canon law of western Christianity / |
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KBR2337 .R3613 1976
The exclusion of women from the priesthood : divine law or sex discrimination? : A historical investigation of the juridical and doctrinal foundations of the code of canon law, canon 968, 1 / |
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