Call Number (LC) Title Results
KBR190 .G35 2002 Church law and church order in Rome and Byzantium : a comparative study / 1
KBR190 .H45 1996 The spirit of classical canon law / 1
KBR190 .M43 2006eb Medieval church law and the origins of the Western legal tradition : a tribute to Kenneth Pennington / 2
KBR190.5 .A345 1992 The history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages / 1
KBR190.5 .K87 2018 Gratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234 / 1
KBR190.6.P46 M43 2006 Medieval church law and the origins of the Western legal tradition : a tribute to Kenneth Pennington / 1
KBR191.3 .T28 1887i Histoire des sources du droit canonique 1
KBR195 .K36 2005 Clavis Canonum : selected canon law collections before 1140 ; access with data processing / 1
KBR195 .P74 1998 Prefaces to Canon Law books in Latin Christianity : selected translations, 500-1245 / 1
KBR195.7 .F85 1883i Index canonum the Greek text, an English translation, and a complete digest of the entire code of canon law of the undivided primitive church : with a dissertation on the seventh canon of Ephesus and the Chalcedonian decree of doctrinal liberty / 1
KBR195.7 .R45 1967 Reliquiae iuris ecclesiastici antiquissimae. 1
KBR195.7 .T48 2012 The old English canons of Theodore / 1
KBR196.3 .E5 2011 The Didascalia Apostolorum in English / 1
KBR196.5 .A66 1966 Constitutiones apostolorum / 1
KBR1004 .D83 1693 Maximes du droit canonique de France / 1
KBR1004 .O53 1608 Traité des mainsmortes et conditions taillables / 1
KBR1005 .E24 1950 Grundriss des katholischen Kirchenrechts : Rechtsgeschichte und System. 1
KBR1005 .H65 1951 Handbuch des Kirchenrechtes / 1
KBR1006.2 .L9 1505 [Explicit opus super ... constituciones p[ro]uinciales.] 1
KBR1006.2 .L9 1679i Provinciale, (seu Constitvtiones Angliae) continens constitutiones provinciales quatordecim archiepiscoporum Cantuarensium, viz. à Stephano Langtono ad Henricum Chichleium : cum summariis atque eruditis annotationibus, summá accuratione denuo revisum atque impressum / 1