Call Number (LC) Title Results
KBR3849 .P53 1958 Judicial experts : a source of evidence in ecclesiastical trials : a historical synopsis and a commentary. 1
KBR3897 .K43 1964 The bearing of mental impairment on the validity of marriage : an analysis of Rotal jurisprudence / 1
KBR4078 .B369 2020 Nonce apostolique et ambassadeur Quels profils juridiques ?. 1
KBR4188.N67 S484 1922 L'acceptation de la constitution civile du clergé en Normandie (janvier-mai 1791) / 1
KBR8301962 .B33 1975 Elementi di diritto canonico / 1
KBR8301962 .D45 1970 Nozioni di diritto canonico. 1
KBR8301962 .P483 1963 Diritto canonico / 1
KBR8301962 .P485 1968 Il concilio vaticano II e la condificazione del diritto canonico : Lezioni ad uso degli studenti / 1
KBS132 Byzantine religious law in medieval Italy /
Law and legality in the Greek East : the Byzantine canonical tradition, 381-883 /
KBS132 .H57 2012 The history of Byzantine and Eastern canon law to 1500 / 1
KBS132 .H57 2012eb The history of Byzantine and Eastern canon law to 1500 / 2
KBS199.7.E98 M37 2010 La collection canonique d'Antioche : droit et hérésie à travers le premier recueil de législation ecclésiastique, IVe siècle / 1
KBS717 .A847 1969i Bibliotheca iuris orientalis canonici et civilis 1
KBU3 .C36 1981 The canon law collection of the Library of Congress : a general bibliography with selective annotations / 1
KBU3 .C36 1981i The canon law collection of the Library of Congress a general bibliography with selective annotations / 1
KBU56 .M48 1960 What is canon law? 1
KBU56.5 .F47 1782 Adm. rev. p.F. Lucii Ferraris ... Prompta Bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica : nec non ascetica, polemica, rubricistica, historica de principalioribus, & fere omnibus, quæ in dies occurrunt, nec penes omnes facile, ac prompte reperiri possunt, ex utroque jure, pontificiis constitutionibus, conciliis, sacrarum congregationum decretis, sacræ romanæ rotæ decisionibus ac probatissimis et selectissimis auctoribus accurrate collecta, adaucta, in unum redacta, & ordine alphabetico congesta, ac in decem tomos distributa. 1
KBU56.5 .T78 1919i A dictionary of canon law 1
KBU129.5.A58 Un caso criminal de oficio de la justicia eclesiástica 1
KBU150 A837 2019 Verdad, justicia y caridad : volumen conmemorativo del 50o. aniversario de la Asociación Española de Canonistas / 1