Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD129 1801 The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : with notes, references, and an index ... From A. D. 1801; 41 George III.--To [32 & 33 Vict.--1868-9] 1
KD129 1911 Chitty's statutes of practical utility : arranged in alphabetical and chronological order, with notes and indexes. 1
KD130 Anno xxxj. Reginae Elizabethae. At a session of Parliament holden at Westminster the fourth day of Februarie, in the one and thirtieth yeere of the reigne of our most gratious soueraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Ireland Queene, defender of the faith, &c. : And there continued vntill the dissolution thereof, being the xxix. of March: : To the high pleasure of Almightie God, and the weale publique of this realme, were enacted as followeth.
Anno septimo Edwardi Sexti. Actes made in the Parliament, holden at Westminster, the first daie of March, in the .vii. yeare of the reigne of our moste redoubted souereigne lorde Edward the .vi. by the grace of God King of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faythe, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Irelande in earth the supreme heade: and there continued to the dissolucion of the same beeing the laste day of the sayd moneth of Marche, as foloweth.
A Lancastrian mirror for princes : the Yale Law School New statutes of England /
KD130 .1215 A colleccion of all the statutes, from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde 1557, which were before that yere imprinted vvhereunto be addyd the collection of the statutes made in the fourth and fifth yeres of the reignes of King Philip and Quene Mary, and also the statutes made in the first yere of the the raigne of our soueraygne lady Queene Elizabeth : and furst an epistle, necessary to be redde by them that shall vse this booke. 1
KD130 1215 Magna Charta, cum statutis, tum [a]ntiquis, tûm recentibus maximopere animo tenendis, iam nouiter execusa, & summa diligentia emendata & correcta : [c]ui adiecta sunt nonnulla statuta, nunc demum tipis ædita.
Magna Carta in F. wherunto is added more statut[es] than euer was imprynted in any one boke before this tyme : with an alminacke & a calender to know the mootes : necessarye for all yong studiers of the lawe.
A collection in English, of the statutes nowe in force, continued from the beginning of Magna Charta, made in the 9. yeere of the reigne of King H.3 vntill the ende of the session of Parliament holden in the 23. yeere of the reigne of our gratious Queene Elizabeth, vnder titles placed by order of alphabet wherein is performed (touching the statutes wherewith iustices of the peace haue to deale) so much, as was promised in the booke of their office lately published ... hereunto is added two tables, the one at the beginning of the booke, declaring vnder titles by order of alphabet the substance of such referments as stoode at the end of eche title in the first collection of statutes, set forth by Master Iustice Rastall ... in the other table (being at the ende of this booke) are set downe by order of the Kings reignes, the seuerall times of their Parliaments, together with the sundry chapters and intitulings of the particular statutes in euery of the same : whereby the reader may easily finde vnder what title, and in what leafe of this booke, any of these statutes be placed ..
Magna Carta.
KD130 1215 .R388 A collection of all the statutes, from the beginning of Magna Carta, vnto the year of our Lord (1557) which were before that year imprinted : wherunto be added the collection of the statutes, made in the fourth and fifth yeares of the reignes of King Philip and Queene Marye : and also the statutes made in the first, and fifth yeare of the raigne of oure soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth : and first an epistle, necessarie to bee read by them that shal use this booke. 1
KD130 1215i A colleccion of all the statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde, 1557) whiche were before that yere imprinted whereunto be addyd the colleccion of the statutes, made in the fourth and fifth yeres of the reignes of Kyng Philip and Quene Mary, and also the statutes made in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our souerayne Lady Quene Elizabeth : and furst an epistle, necessary to be redde by them that shall vse this booke. 1
KD130 1216 In this volume are conteined the statutes made and established from the time of Kyng Henry the Thirde, vnto the fyrste yere of the reigne of our most gratious and victorious soueraigne lorde Kinge Henry the VIII. 1
KD130 1224i A list of English statutes, supposed to be applicable to the several states of the Union 1
KD130 1235a The statutes of the realm : printed by command of His Majesty King George the Third in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons of Great Britain from original records and authentic manuscripts. 1
KD130 1445 The tenth chapter of the statute made in the twenty third year of King Henry the Sixth. Concerning the extortious fees of sheriffes, bayliffes, jaylors, and other officers. 1
KD130 1485 The Kynge our souerayne lorde Henry the Seuenth ... atte his Parlyament holden atte Westmynster the vij. daye of Nouember in the fyrste yere of his reygne ... hathe do to be made certayne statutes and ordynaunces in maner and fourme folowynge. 1
KD130 1508 .S72 Statuta in parliame[n]to apud Westmonasteriu[m] vicesimo qui[n]to die Januarii, anno regni metue[n]dissimi Regis Anglie & Fra[n]cie, ac domini hibernie Henrici Septimi decimonono tento y bono publico subditoru[m] suorum inter cetera edita 1
KD130 1509 [The grete abbregement of the statutys vntyll .xxii. Henry the .viii.]
The newe greate abredgement brefly conteynynge, all thactes and statutes of this realme of England, vntyll the .xxxv. yere of the reigne of oure late noble kynge of moste worthye and famous memorye Henry the .VIII. (whose soule God pardone)
Anno regni Regis Henrici VIII quinto statuta ..
Anno xiiii et anno xv Henrici VIII statuta ..
Anno XXIIII Henrici VIII actes made in the session of this present Parliamente, holden vppon prorogation at Westminster the iiii. daye of Februarie, in the xxiiii. yere of the reygne of our most dradde soueraigne lorde Kynge Henry the Eyght, and there continued and kept tyll the vii. daie of Aprill the nexte ensuinge, to the honour of God and holy church, and for the common weale of this his realme.
KD130 1509 .A27 The acte of the Kynges reuenues 1
KD130 1509 .A56 Anno primo Henrici VIII the King Oure Soueraigne Lorde Henry the Eighte after the co[n]quest, by y[e] grace of God King of Engla[n]d & of Fraunce and Lorde of Irelande : at his Parliament holden at Westminster the xxi day of January, in the first yere of his moste noble reigne, after the prorogacion to the honour of God and holy church, and for the common weale and profite of this his realme, by the assent of the Lords spyrituall and temporal, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by auctoritie of the same : hath do to bee ordeyned, made, and enacted certayne statutes & ordinaunces in maner & fourme following.
Anno primo Henrici VIII statuta.
Anno primo Henrici Octavi the Kynge Our Soueraigne Lorde Henrie the Eight after the conquest, by the grace of God Kyng of England & of Frau[n]ce and Lorde of Irelande, at his Parliament holden at Westminster the xxi day of January, in the fyrst yere of his most noble reigne, after the prorogation to the honour of God and holy church, and for the common weale and profit of this his realme, by the assent of the Lordes spiritual and temporall, & the Commons in this present Parliame[n]t assembled, and by auctoritie of the same, hath do to be ordeined, made, and enacted certaine statutes and ordinaunces in maner & fourme folowyng.
KD130 1509 .S72 Statuta the Kyng Our Souerayne Lorde Henry the VIII after the conquest by the grace of God, Kynge of Englande and of Frau[n]ce and Lorde of Irelande : at his Parlyament holden at Westmynster the xxi day of January, in the fyrst yere of his most noble raygne to the honour of God and holy church, and for the Comonwele, and profet of this his realme, by thassent of the Lordes spyrituall and temporall, and the Comons in this present Parlyament assembled, and by authorite of the same : hath do to be ordayned, made, and enacted certayne statutes and ordynau[n]ces, in maner and forme folowyng. 1
KD130 1510 Anno primo Henrici octaui the kynge our souerayne lorde Henry the viii after the conquest, by the grace of God kynge of Engla[n]de and of Fraunce, and lorde of Ireland, at his parliament holden at Westmynster the xxi day of Ianuary, in the fyrst yere of his mooste noble reigne : to the honour of God and holye churche, and for the comon weale and profite of this his realme, by the assent of the lordes spirituall and temporall & the co[m]mons in this present parliament assembled, & by auctoritie of the same, hath do to be ordayned, made, & enacted certayne statutes & ordinau[n]ces in maner and fourme folowyng. 1
KD130 1510 .A56 Anno primo Henrici VIII statuta. 1
KD130 1511 .A56 Anno tertio Henrici VIII the Kynge Our Soueraygne Lorde Henrye the viij after the conquest, by the grace of God King of England and of Fraunce, and Lorde of Irelande, at his Parlyamente holden at Westminster in ye iiij day of February in the thyrde yere of his most noble reygne, to the honour of God and holye churche, & for the common weale & profite of this his realme, by the assent of the Lords spirituall and temporall and the Commons in thys presente Parliament assembled, and by aucthoritye of the same, hath doo to be ordeined, made, and enacted certaine statutes and ordynaunces in manner and fourme folowinge.
Anno tertio Henrici Octaui the Kyng Our Souerayn Lorde Henry the VIII after the Conquest, by the grace of God Kynge of Englande and of Fraunce, and Lorde of Irelande, at his Parlyament holden at Westmynster the iiii daye of February in the thyrde yere of his mooste noble reygne, to the honour of God and holye churche, and for the common weale and profyte of this his realme, by the assente of the Lordes spyrytuall and temporall and the Commons in this present Parlyament assembled, and by auctoritie of the same, hath do to be ordeyned, made, and enacted certayne statutes and ordinaunces in maner and fourme folowyng.