Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD1487 .T97 The law of charitable bequests, with an account of the Mortmain and charitable uses act, 1888 / 1
KD1487 .T97 1888i The law of charitable bequests with an account of the Mortmain and charitable uses act, 1888 / 1
KD1487 .T97 1921i The law of charitable bequests 1
KD1487 .W45 1878i The law relating to charities especially with reference to the validity and construction of charitable bequests and conveyances / 1
KD1488 .M34 1887i The doctrine of cy pres as applied to charities being the Meredith prize essay of the University of Pennsylvania for the year 1887 / 1
KD1488 .S54 The cy-près doctrine, 1
KD1493 .B74 2002eb Breach of Trust. 1
KD1493 .H36 1825i A short treatise endeavouring to point out the means by which those who accept the situation of trustees may perform their duties without incurring responsibility 1
KD1495 .S87 1937i The law of trust accounts particularly that concerning capital and income / 1
KD1500.A1 F45 2015i English inheritance laws in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries a bibliography / 1
KD1500.A3 A678 1700 An answer to Mr. Starling's pretence that Mrs. Jane Ettrick was married to one John Knott, a drawer at the Crown-Tavern in the Strand, in opposition to Mr. Ettrick's bill. 1
KD1500.A75 Current issues in succession law / 1
KD1500 .C45 1825i A treatise of the law of descents 1
KD1500 .C54 A treatise of the law of descents. 1
KD1500 .E54 1983 Strict settlement : a guide for historians / 1
KD1500 .G74 1814i The debate in the House of Commons, April 25, 1814, upon corruption of blood 1
KD1500 .H34 De successionibus apud Anglos the law of hereditary descents : shewing the rise, progress and successive alterations thereof : also the law of descent as now in use / 2
KD1500 .H35 1699i De successionibus apud Anglos or, A treatise of hereditary descents : shewing the rise, progress and successive alterations thereof : and also the laws of descent as they are now in use. 1
KD1500 .H65 1858i The law of wills, executors, and administrators together with a copious collection of forms / 1
KD1500 .H654 1899i The law of succession testamentary and intestate / 1