Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD1502.C37 1685 The case of John St. Leger Esq; respondent in the appeal of John Baret, from a decree in the chancery of Ireland. 1
KD1502.L37 1661 The last will and testament of Sir John Presbyter 1
KD1504 .P72 Pra[--] for exeqon [sic] of ye [--]ffice for wills 1
KD1507 .H39 1860i Concise forms of wills with practical notes / 1
KD1507 .H39 1869i Hayes & Jarman's concise forms of wills with practical notes. 1
KD1507 .H39 1883i Hayes & Jarman's concise forms of wills with practical notes. 1
KD1507 .H39 1893i Hayes & Jarman's concise forms of wills with practical notes. 1
KD1507 .H39 1919i Hayes & Jarman's concise forms of wills with practical notes. 1
KD1507 .W43 1882i A collection of concise precedents of wills with introduction, notes, and an appendix of statutes / 1
KD1507 .W43 1904i A collection of concise precedents of wills with introduction and notes / 1
KD1509 Wills
Death, money, and the vultures : inheritance and avarice, 1660-1750 /
KD1509 .B155 The law of wills: including intestacy and administration of assets; an introduction to the rules of law equity and construction relating to testamentary dispositions, 1
KD1509 .B35 1881i Wills how to make and how to prove them, and the law of administration : with nearly 150 forms / 1
KD1509 .B35 1967 The law of wills, including intestacy and administration of assets: an introduction to the rules of law equity and construction relating to testamentary dispositions, 1
KD1509 .B54 1801i The laws respecting wills, testaments, and codicils, and executors, administrators, and guardians laid down in a plain and easy manner; in which all technical terms of law are familiarly explained : and in which the statute of wills, and such parts of the statute of frauds and perjuries as relate to the subjects of devises, are particularly considered and expounded; with remarks and directions for the use of those who are desirous of making their own wills : also the methods of descent and distribution of property, where no will is made; as collected from the several reports and other books of authority, up to the present time : containing likewise a complete abstract of the legacy act, an account of the expence of proving a will, and of obtaining letters of administration; the stamps on which difcharges for legacies and distributive shares, are to be written, &c. &c. with an appendix of precedents; comprifing a great variety of the moft approved forms of wills, testaments, codicils, &e. relative to every description of property / 1
KD1509 .F56 An elementary treatise on the law relating to wills of personal property, and some subjects appertaining thereto. 1
KD1509 .F56 1877i An elementary treatise on the law relating to wills of personal property, and some subjects appertaining thereto 1
KD1509 .G55 1756i The law of devises, revocations, and last wills to which is added, choice precedents of wills / 1
KD1509 .G55 1773i The law of devises, last wills, and revocations 1
KD1509 .G55 1792i The law of devises, last wills, and revocations 1