Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD1814 1857i The merchant shipping acts of 1854, 1855, & 1856 comprising the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, (17 & 18 Vic., c. 104), the Merchant Shipping Repeal Act, 1854 (17 & 18 Vic., c. 120), the Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 1855 (18 & 19 Vic., c. 91), the Seamen's Savings Bank Act, 1856 (19 & 20 Vic., c. 41) : with an introductory summary of the first-mentioned act, a selection from the "instructions" issued by the Board of Trade and Commissioners of Customs, an analysis of offences under the above acts, explanatory notes, and an appendix of forms / 1
KD1814 1876i The merchant shipping laws being a consolidation of all the merchant shipping and passenger acts from 1854 to 1876, inclusive : with notes of all the leading English and American cases on the subjects affected by legislation, and an appendix containing the new rules issued in October, 1876 : forming a complete treatise on maritime law / 1
KD1814 1877i The merchant shipping acts, 1854 to 1876 with notes, and index, and an appendix of relative statutes, rules for courts of survey and investigations into shipping casualties, forms, &c. / 1
KD1814 1907i The merchant shipping acts 1
KD1814 1908i The merchant shipping acts with notes, appendices, and index / 1
KD1814.581876 .I43 1876i The Merchant Shipping Act, 1876 (39 and 40 Vict., Cap. 80) with an introduction and copious notes, showing the alterations effected in the law by recent statutes / 1
KD1814.581894 .A3 1894a The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 / 1
KD1814.581894 .A3 1894i The shipping code being the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, (57 & 58 Vict. c. 60); with introduction, notes, tables, rules, orders, forms, and a full index / 1
KD1814.581894 .A3 1895i The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 1
KD1814.581924 .C65 1925i The Hague rules explained being the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1924 : with introduction, notes, & appendices / 2
KD1814.581924 .C65 1930i The Hague rules explained being the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1924 : with introduction, notes, & appendices / 1
KD1814.581924 .T46 1925i Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1924 (including the rules relating to bills of lading) : with explanatory notes, etc. / 1
KD1814.71 .A2 Monumenta juridica : the Black Book of the Admiralty : with an appendix / 1
KD1814.79 .M35 1911 The merchant shipping and relative acts : classified for ready reference and designed for the use of H.M. judges, and magistrates, government officials, solicitors, assessors, shipowners, shipmasters, etc. / 1
KD1815.A2 A83 Reports of cases relating to maritime law : containing all the decisions of the courts of law and equity in the United Kingdom ; and selections from the more important decisions in the colonies and the United States / 1
KD1815.A2 L57 Lloyd's list law reports.
Lloyd's law reports.
KD1815 .S46 1927i Naval history in the law courts a selection of old maritime cases / 1
KD1815 .S46 1927r Naval history in the law courts : a selection of old maritime cases / 1
KD1815.3 .H3 Digest: 1
KD1815.3 .M37 1899i A digest of cases relating to shipping, admiralty, and insurance law from the reign of Elizabeth to the end of 1897 / 1