Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD140 .W56 1689 An exact abridgment of all the statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna charta / 1
KD140.1675 W5 An exact abridgment of all statutes in force and use. From the beginning of Magna Carta untill 1641. / 1
KD142 .E55 1685 Anno Regni Jacobi II, Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, primo at the Parliament begun at Westminster the nineteenth day of May, anno Dom. 1685, in the first year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord James, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, defender of the faith &c. 2
KD142.3 .G74 1929 Chronological table and index of the statutes : covering the legislation to Dec. 31, 1928, issued annually / 1
KD142.3 .L44 1999 Legislation index. 1
KD142.6 .I57 1886i Imperial white books 1
KD142.6 .I8 Is it in force? ... : a guide to the commencement of statutes passed since ... / 1
KD142.6 .L45i Legal & regulatory developments index 1
KD148 Resulting trusts 1
KD148 .C53 1997i Resulting trusts 1
KD161 .C37 2005eb Causation and delay in construction disputes 1
KD168 .A38 The statutory rules & orders and statutory instruments revised to December 31, 1948. 1
KD168 .A39 Statutory instruments other than those of a local, personal or temporary character for the year. 1
KD168 .A4 Statutory instruments. 1
KD170 .G7 Index to government orders in force 31st December .. 1
KD173 .H3 Halsbury's statutory instruments : being a companion work to Halsbury's statutes of England and a replacement of Butterworth's emergency legislation service. 1
KD175 .A22 Anno regni Caroli II, Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ at the Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth day of May, anno Dom. 1661, in the thirteenth year of the reign of ... Lord Charles ... and there continued by several prorogations to the fourth day of February 1672/3 [i.e. 1673] 1
KD175 .H8 Tudor royal proclamations.
Tudor royal proclamations /
KD175 .L37 Stuart royal proclamations / 2
KD175.P76 E63 1682 A proclamation discharging silk lace, white lace, and point to be imported or worn upon apparel ... 16 March 2