Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD1960 .H52 The law of libel and slander, 1
KD1960 .H55 1965 Auschwitz in England : a record of a libel action / 1
KD1960 .H65 1812i Law of libel in which is contained, a general history of this law in the ancient codes, and of its introduction, and successive alterations, in the law of England : comprehending a digest of all the leading cases upon libels, from the earliest to the present time / 1
KD1960 (INTERNET) A word concerning libels and libellers humbly presented to the Right Honorable Sir John Moor, Lord-Mayor of London, and the Right Worshipfull the aldermen his bretheren / 1
KD1960 .L53 1997 Libel and the media : the chilling effect / 1
KD1960 .L68 2000eb Political libels : a comparative study / 1
KD1960 .M37 The second part of Actions for slanders with a second part of arbitrements together with directions and presidents to them ... : to which is added Libels or a caveat to all infamous libellers ... : to which likewise is added what defamations are derminable in the ecclesiastical courts, what not : as also certain queries or doubtful cases ... : and to each particular treatise severall and distinct tables / 2
KD1960 .M37 1655 Actions for slander. being methodical collections under certain grounds and heads of what words are actionable in the law, and what not ... to which is added awards or arbitrements ... whereunto is added an exact table / 2
KD1960 .M37 1655i Actions for slander or, A methodicall collection under certain grounds and heads, of what words are actionable in the law, and what not : a treatise of very great use and consequence to all men, especially in these times, wherein actions for slander are more common, and doe much more abound then in times past : and when the malice of men so much increases, well may their tongue want a directory / 1
KD1960 .M37 1674i March's actions for slander, and arbitrements the first, being a collection, under certain grounds and heads, of what words are actionable in the law, and what not, where an action de scandalis magnatum will lie, and of the nature of a libel : the other, a discourse, shewing what arbitrements are good in law, and what not, together with directions, and presidents of conditions to perform awards, indentures of submission to awards, with covenants to perform the same, arbitrements of lands which the parties covenant to perform, or of debt, &c. upon submission by bond, and variety of pleadings therein : as also, certain quæries, or doubtful cases, under proper titles, with the books cited pro & contra, very useful for all students in the law / 1
KD1960 .M46 1824i The law of libel 1
KD1960 .M58 2005eb The making of the modern law of defamation / 1
KD1960 .O34 1881i A digest of the law of libel and slander with the evidence, procedure, and practice, both in civil and criminal cases, and precedents of pleadings / 1
KD1960 .O34 1887i A digest of the law of libel and slander the evidence, procedure, and practice, both in civil and criminal cases, and precedents of pleadings, with a chapter on the newspaper libel and registration act, 1881 /
The law of libel and slander the evidence, procedure, and practice, both in civil and criminal cases, and precedents of pleadings, with a chapter on the Newspaper libel and registration act, 1881 /
KD1960 .O34 1891i The law of libel and slander the evidence, procedure, and practice, both in civil and criminal cases, and precedents of pleadings, with a chapter on the Newspaper Libel and Registration Act, 1881 / 1
KD1960 .O34 1896i A digest of the law of libel and slander with the evidence, procedure, practice, and precedents of pleadings, both in civil and criminal cases / 1
KD1960 .O34 1905 A digest of the law of libel and slander : and of actions on the case for words causing damage, with the evidence, procedure, practice, and precedents of pleadings, both in civil and criminal cases / 1
KD1960 .O34 1905i A digest of the law of libel and slander and of actions on the case for words causing damage, with the evidence, procedure, practice, and precedents of pleadings, both in civil and criminal cases / 1
KD1960 .O34 1912 The law of libel and slander : and of actions on the case for words causing damage, with the evidence, procedure, practice, and precedents of pleadings, both in civil and criminal cases / 1
KD1960 .O34 1912i The law of libel and slander and of actions on the case for words causing damage : with the evidence, procedure, practice, and precedents of pleadings, both in civil and criminal cases / 1