Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KD200 1672.C64 A35 |
Les reports de Sir Edward Coke, jades chiefe justice de Bank le roy conteinant divers resolutions & judgements per les tres reverend judges & sages de la ley, des cases & matters resolve & adjudge, & les raisons & causes de ceo, en la reigne du royne Elizabeth & du Jaques treshault ' puissant roy de Angleterre : ovesque le general table a touts les several livres de mesmes les reports, per quelle touts les cases & matters in yceux conteinus puissont facilement estre troves. Les reports de Sir Edward Coke, jades chiefe justice de Bank le Roy. conteinant divers resolutions & judgements per les tres reverend judges & sages de la ley, des cases & matters resolve & adjudge, & les raisons & causes de ceo, en la reigne du royne Elizabeth & du Jaques treshault ' puissant roy de Angleterre : ovesque le general table a touts les several livres de mesmes les reports per quelle touts les cases & matters in yceux conteinus puissont facilement estre troves. |
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KD200 1680.C6 .A2 | The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Kt., late Lord Chief Justice of England of divers resolutions and judgments given upon solemn arguments and with great deliberation and conference of the most reverend judges and sages of the law, of cases in law which never were resolved or adjudged before, and the reasons and of the said resolutions and judgments : with a table to the whole. | 2 |
KD200 1688 .B8 A2 |
The third part of The reports of Edward Bulstrode of the Inner-Temple, Esq of diverse resolutions and judgements, given with great advice, and mature deliberation, by the grave and learned judges and sages of the law : of divers and sundry cases and matters in law, with the reasons and causes of their said resolutions and judgments given in the Court of Kings-Bench in the time of the late reign of King James I and the beginning of King Charles I. The second part of The reports of Edward Bulstrode, of the Inner Temple, Esquire of divers and sundry cases and matters in law, with the reasons and causes of their said resolutions and judgment given in the Court of Kings Bench in the late reign of King James I. The third part of The reports of Edward Bulstrode of the Inner-Temple, Esq. of diverse resolutions and judgements, given with great advice, and mature deliberation, by the grave and learned judges and sages of the law : of divers and sundry cases and matters in law, with the reasons and causes of their said resolutions and judgments given in the Court of Kings-Bench in the time of the late reign of King James I and the beginning of King Charles I. |
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KD200 1697 .C64 A35 |
Les reports de Edw. Coke l'attorney general le roign des divers resolutions & judgments donez avec graund deliberation per les tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant : et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments, durant le tresheureux regiment de tres-illustre & renomes roign Elizabeth le fountain de tout justice & la vie de la ley : avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern. Les reports de Edw. Coke l'attorney general le roign des divers resolutions & judgments donez avec graund deliberation per les tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant : et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments, durant le tresheureux regiment de tres-illustre & renomes roign Elizabeth le fountain de tout justice & la vie de la ley : avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern. |
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KD200.3 1688 .M66 | Cases collect and report | 2 |
KD200.3 1691 .C37 | An abstract of those laws commanded by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, to be put in speedy execution by Her Majesty's most gracious and pious letter (lately sent to the justices of the peace of the County of Middlesex) met at their general quarter-sessions by adjournment, Friday the 10th of July, 1691 published for the ease and direction of the several and respective officers in the performance of their duty / | 2 |
KD200.3 .D6 | Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's bench, in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first years of the reign of George III. [1778-1781] | 1 |
KD200.3 .S42 |
A second book of judgements in real, personal, and mixt actions, and upon the statute : all or most of them affirmed upon writs of error : being, the collection of George Huxley, of Lincolns-Inne, Gent., out of the choice manuscripts of Mr. Brownlowe, and Mr. Moyle sometimes prothonotaries of the Common-Pleas as also of Mr. Smythier formerly Secondary of the same Court / A Second book of judgments in real, personal, and mixt actions, and upon the statute, all or most of them affirmed upon the statute, all or most of them affirmed upon the writs of error : being the collection of George Huxley ... out of the choice manuscripts of Mr. Brownlowe and Mr. Moyle ... as also of Mr. Smythier ... : very useful and necessary for all prothonotaries, secondaries, students, clerks of judgments, and all sorts of persons any way relating to the law / A Second book of judgments in real, personal, and mixt actions, and upon the statute, all or most of them affirmed upon the statute, all or most of them affirmed upon the writs of error : being the collection of George Huxley ... out of the choice manuscripts of Mr. Brownlowe and Mr. Moyle ... as also of Mr. Smythier ... : very useful and necessary for all prothonotaries, secondaries, students clerks of judgments, and all sorts of persons any way relating to the law / |
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KD200.31663 .M66 | Cases collect and report | 2 |
KD200.4 1832 | An analytical digested index to the common law reports : from the time of Henry III to the commencement of the reign of George III with tables of the titles and names of cases / | 1 |
KD200.4 1847i | A general index to the English common law reports volumes I to XLVII, inclusive / | 1 |
KD200.4 1857i | A general index to the English common law reports volumes I to LXXXIII, inclusive. | 1 |
KD200.5 .C37 1736i | Cases in law and equity chiefly during the time the late Earl of Macclesfield presided in the Courts of King's-Bench and Chancery / | 1 |
KD200.5 .C65 1727 | The reports of Sir Edward Coke, kt. ... of divers resolutions and judgments given with great deliberation, by the reverend judges and sages of the Law, of cases and matters in law which were never resolved or adjudged before: and the reasons and causes of the said resolutions and judgments, during the most happy reign of the most illustrious and renowned Queen Elizabeth, the fountain of all justice and the life of the law. | 1 |
KD200.5 .C66 1724i | The report of several cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster from the first year of King James the Second to the tenth year of King William the Third / | 1 |
KD200.5 .E34 1734 | Eight centuries of reports : or, eight hundred cases solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer-Chamber, or, upon writs of error. / | 1 |
KD200.5 .G54 | Cases in law and equity, argued, determined and adjudged in the King's bench and Chancery, in the twelfth and thirteenth years of Queen Anne [1714-1715] during the time of Lord Chief Justice Parker, with two treatises, the one on the action of debt, the other on the constitution of England. / | 1 |
KD200.5 .G7 | The report of several cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's bench at Westminster; from the first year of King James the Second, to the tenth year of King William the Third. [1685-1698] | 1 |
KD200.5 .H85 | An abridgement of the three volumes of reports of the learned Sr. George Croke Kt of such select cases as were adjudged in the Courts of Kings-Bench and Common-Bench, during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles the First / | 2 |
KD200.5 (INTERNET) | Reports, or, New cases with divers resolutions and judgements given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation, and the reasons and causes of the said resolutions and judgements / | 1 |