Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD2149 .P69 1861i The law of bankruptcy being an adaptation of the chapter on bankruptcy, in the twelfth edition of Selwyn's nisi prius, to the present law, with considerable additions and alterations / 1
KD2149 .R56 1895i The principles of bankruptcy embodying the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890, and the leading cases thereon; part of the Debtors Act, 1869; the Bankruptcy Appeals (county courts) Act, 1884; the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887; the Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Acts, 1888 : with an appendix containing the schedules to the Bankruptcy Act, 1883; the bankruptcy rules, 1886, 1890, and 1891; the rules as to the committal of judgment debtors, and as to administration orders; regulations issued by the bankruptcy judge; a scale of costs, fees and percentages; the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878, 1882, 1890, and 1891, and the rules thereunder; the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887; and the rules thereunder / 1
KD2149 .R56 1899i The principles of bankruptcy embodying the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890, and the leading cases thereon; part of the Debtors Act, 1869; the Bankruptcy Appeals (county courts) Act, 1884; the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887; the Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Acts, 1888 & 1897 : with an appendix containing the schedules to the Bankruptcy Act, 1883; the bankruptcy rules, 1886, 1890, and 1891; the rules as to the committal of judgment debtors, and as to administration orders; regulations issued by the bankruptcy judge; a scale of costs, fees and percentages; the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878, 1882, 1890, and 1891, and the rules thereunder; the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887; and the rules thereunder / 1
KD2149 .R56 1902i The principles of bankruptcy embodying the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890, and the leading cases thereon, part of the Debtors Act, 1869, the Bankruptcy Appeals (County Courts) Act, 1884, the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887, the Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Acts, 1888 & 1897, the leading cases on bills of sale : with an appendix containing the schedules to the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, the Bankruptcy rules, 1886, 1890, 1891, and 1896, the rules as to the committal of judgement debtors, and as to administration orders, regultions issued by the bankruptcy judge, a scale of costs, fees and percentages, the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878, 1882, 1890, and 1891, and the rules thereunder, the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887, and the rules thereunder / 1
KD2149 .R56 1905i The principles of bankruptcy embodying the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890, and the leading cases thereon; part of the Debtors Act, 1869; the Bankruptcy Appeals (county courts) Act, 1884; the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887; the Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Acts, 1888 & 1897; the leading cases on bills of sale : with an appendix containing the schedules to the Bankruptcy Act, 1883; the bankruptcy rules, 1886 to 1905; the rules as to the committal of judgment debtors, and as to administration orders; regulations issued by the bankruptcy judge; a scale of costs, fees and percentages; the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878, 1882, 1890, and 1891, and the rules thereunder; the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887; and the rules thereunder / 1
KD2149 .R56 1914i The principles of bankruptcy embodying the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883, 1890 and 1913, and the leading cases thereon, part of the Debtors Act, 1869, the Bankruptcy Appeals (County Courts) Act, 1884, the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887, the Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Act, 1888, the leading cases on bills of sale : with an appendix containing the schedules to the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, the bankruptcy rules, 1886 to 1909, the rules as to administration orders, regulations issued by the bankruptcy judge, a scale of costs, fees and percentages, the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878, 1882, 1890 and 1891, and the rules thereunder, the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1913 / 1
KD2149 .R63 1870i A treatise on the law of bankruptcy containing a full exposition of the principles and practice of the law, including the alterations made by the Bankruptcy Act, 1869 : with an appendix comprising the statutes, rules, orders and forms / 1
KD2149 .R63 1872i A treatise on the law of bankruptcy containing a full exposition of the principles and practice of the law, including the alterations made by the Bankruptcy Act, 1869 : with an appendix comprising the statutes, rules, orders and forms / 1
KD2149 .R63 1876i A treatise on the law of bankruptcy containing a full exposition of the principles and practice of the law, including the alterations made by the Bankruptcy Act, 1869 : with an appendix comprising the statutes, rules, orders and forms / 1
KD2149 .R63 1887i A treatise on the law of bankruptcy containing a full exposition of the principles and practice of the law, including the alterations made by the Bankruptcy Act, 1869 : with an appendix comprising the statutes, rules, orders and forms / 1
KD2149 .S25 1956 The law relating to bankruptcy, liquidations and receiverships. 1
KD2149 .S54 1862i The law of bankruptcy and insolvency comprising the statutes now in force on those subjects, methodically arranged, and the reported cases thereon to the present time : with an appendix, containing the general orders and forms and the practice and new forms in bankruptcy / 1
KD2149 .S77 1862i County court practice in bankruptcy shewing the jurisdiction of the county courts, and the power and duties of their officers, and practically stating, for practitioners, the procedure for and against the bankrupt in the county courts : with an appendix of rules and orders applicable thereto, and official and original forms, etc. / 1
KD2149 .S86 The reading upon the Statute of the thirteenth of Elizabeth, chapter 7 touching bankrupts, learnedly and amply explained / 2
KD2149 .S86 1656a The reading upon the statute of the thirteenth of Elizabeth, chapter VII. touching bankrupts, learnedly and amply expained, 1
KD2149 .V53 2022 English corporate insolvency law : a primer / 1
KD2149 .V53 2022i English corporate insolvency law a primer / 1
KD2149 .W55 1870i The new law and practice in bankruptcy comprising the Bankruptcy Act, the Debtors Act, and the Bankruptcy Repeal and Insolvent Court Act, of 1869, and the rules and forms made under those acts : a comparative summary of the cases decided under the former laws / 1
KD2149 .W55 1891i The law and practice in bankruptcy comprising the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 to 1890, the bankruptcy rules, 1886, 1890, the Debtors Acts, 1869, 1878, the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887, the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887 / 1
KD2149 .W55 1898i The law and practice in bankruptcy comprising the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 to 1890, the bankruptcy rules and forms, 1886, 1890, the Debtors Acts, 1869, 1878, the Bankruptcy (discharge and closure) Act, 1887, the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887, and the rules and forms thereunder / 1