Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD2870 .C76 2013eb The UK media law pocketbook / 1
KD2870 .E44 The Newspaper libel and registration act, 1881 : With a statement of the law of libel as affecting proprietors, publishers, and editors of newspapers / 1
KD2870 .F45 1999eb Media regulation, public interest and the law / 1
KD2870 .F45 2006 Media regulation, public interest and the law / 1
KD2870 .L86 2012 Media regulation : governance and the interest of citizens and consumers / 1
KD2870 .L86 2012eb Media regulation : governance and the interest of citizens and consumers / 1
KD2870 .M27 1998 Magazine law : a practical guide / 1
KD2870 .M27 1998eb Magazine law a practical guide / 1
KD2870 .M35 2007 McNae's essential law for journalists / 1
KD2870 .R63 1992 Media law / 1
KD2870 .S53 2022eb Media and entertainment law / 1
KD2870 .S63 2011 Media & Entertainment Law / 1
KD2875 .D44 1704i An essay on the regulation of the press 1
KD2875 .H39 1755i An essay on the liberty of the press chiefly as it respects personal slander. 1
KD2875 .K45 1889i The law of newspaper libel with special reference to the state of the law as defined by the Law of Libel Amendment Act, 1888, and all preceding acts upon the subject and the full text of all the libel acts and a report of every important case to date / 1
KD2875 .S63 2006 Media law for journalists / 1
KD2875 .S63 2006eb Media law for journalists 1
KD2875 .S63 2021eb Media law for journalists / 1
KD2880 Telecommunications law and regulation / 1
KD2880 .C36 1904i The law relating to the telegraph, the telephone, and the submarine cable including the provisions of the Telegraph acts, 1863-1899, the Public health amendment act, 1890, the London overhead wires act, 1891, the Post office acts, 1884-1898, and the Submarine telegraph acts, 1885 and 1886, together with an introduction, notes, and index / 1