Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD295 .C6 1822i A digest of the laws of England 2
KD295 .C6 1824 A digest of the laws of England / 1
KD295 .C65 1666 An exact abridgement in English, of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Cook, knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England, and of the Council of Estate to his Majesty, King James. 1
KD295.C65 C65 1671 La septme part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke Chival, chief justice del common bank des divers resolutions & judgements done sur solemne arguments & ove grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend judges & sages de la ley de cases del ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou ad judges par devant : et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgements : publies en le size an del treshaut & tresillustre Jaques Roy d'Englet'Fr. & Irel. & de Escoce le 42 : le fountain de touts pietie & justice & et la vie de la ley. 1
KD295 .D36 1722i A general abridgment of the common law, alphabetically digested under proper titles with notes and references to the whole : with three tables, the first, of the several titles, the second, of the names of the cases, and the third, of the matter under general heads / 1
KD295 .E53 1655 An exact abridgement of all statutes in force and use upon the 4th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1641/42 faithfully extracted out of the said statutes, from the beginning of Magna Carta to the said time, and alphabetically digested under apt titles : whereunto is also annexed, a perfect table, which may serve as a concordance, for the ready discovery of any materiall clause throughout the said statutes / 1
KD295 .E53 1659 An exact abridgement of all statutes in force and use, upon the 4th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1641/42. Faithfully extracted out of the said statutes, from the begining of magna carta : to the said time, and alphabetically digested under apt titles. Whereunto is also annexed , two perfect tables, for the ready discovery of any materiall clause throughout the said statutes / by Edm. VVingate. 1
KD295 .H33 Harrison's analytical digest of all the reported cases determined in the House of Lords, the several Courts of Common Law, in banc and at nisi prius, and the Court of Bankruptcy : from Michaelmas term, 1756, to Easter term, 1843 : including also the Crown cases reserved, and a full selection of equity decisions; with the manuscript cases cited in the best modern treatises not elsewhere reported; to which is added a supplement continuing the work to the year 1849-51. 1
KD295 .H6 1658 The reports of that reverend and learned judge, the right honourable Sr. Henry Hobart, knight and baronet, Lord Chiefe Justice of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas, and chancellour to both their Highnesses, Henry and Charles, princes of Wales. purged from errors of all former imressions, with an exact table never before printed. 1
KD295 .K45 1758i An alphabetical index to all the abridgments of law and equity and to several books of the Crown law, conveyancing, and practice, with their divisions and subdivisions : chiefly calculated to facilitate the references to the General abridgment of law and equity, by Charles Viner, Esq, by substituting pages in the stead of letters, and to render all the other abridgments more easy and useful : to which are added a list of those subscribers to Mr. Viner's abridgment, who were omitted in that printed at Oxford / 1
KD295 .M4 1884 A digest of the reported decisions of the courts of common law, bankruptcy, probate, admiralty, and divorce : together with a selection from those of the Court of chancery and Irish courts, from 1756 to 1883 inclusive : founded on Fisher's digest / 1
KD295 .M58 1819 A digested index to the Term reports : containing all the points of law argued and determined in the King's Bench, and Common Pleas, from 1785, to 1818 ; with notes, references, and a table of titles / 1
KD295 .P48 1829i A practical and elementary abridgment of the cases argued and determined in the courts of King's Bench Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius ; and of the rules of court, from the Restoration in 1660, to Michaelmas term, 4 Geo. IV. With important manuscript cases, alphabetically, chronologically, and systematically arranged and translated ; with copious notes and references to the year books, analogous adjudications, text writers, and statutes, specifying what decisions have been affirmed, recognised, qualified, or over-ruled ; comprising a practical treatise on the different branches of the common law / 1
KD295 .V56 1742i A general abridgment of law and equity alphabetically digested under proper titles, with notes and references to the whole / 1
KD296 .C45 1831i An index to all the reported cases, statutes, and general orders, in or relating to the principles, pleading, and practice of equity and bankruptcy in the several courts of equity in England and Ireland, the Privy Council, and the House of Lords from the earliest period down to the year 1831 / 1
KD296 .C82 Current law year book. 1
KD296 .C844 Current law case citator. 1
KD296 .C844 1947-76 Current law case citator, 1947-1976 / 1
KD296 .C845 1947-71 Current law statute citator, 1947-1971 / 1
KD296 .C846 1972-88 Current law legislation citator, 1988 : statutes 1972-88, statutory instruments affected 1947-88 / 1