KD313 .C68 2004i
Nomothetēs, the interpreter containing the genuine signification of such obscure words and terms used either in the common or statute lawes of this realm / |
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KD313 .C69 1607f
The interpreter, or, Booke containing the signification of words wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all, or the most part of such words and termes, as are mentioned in the law writers or statutes of this victorious and renowned kingdome, requiring any exposition or interpretation ; a work not only profitable, but necessary for such as desire throughly to be instructed in the knowledge of our lawes, statutes, and other antiquities / |
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KD313 .C69 1708
A law dictionary: or, The interpreter of words and terms, used either in the common or statute laws of that part of Great Britain, Call'd England; and in tenures and jocular customs: first published by the learned Dr. Cowel, and now very much augmented and improv'd, by the addition of many thousand words, as are found in our histories, antiquities, cartularies, rolls, registers, and other manuscript records, not hitherto explain'd in any dictionary, to the year 1708. |
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KD313 .C69 1727f
A law dictionary or The interpreter of words and terms used either in the common or statute laws of Great Britain, and in tenures and jocular customs / |
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KD313 .C86 1764
A new and complete law-dictionary, or, General abridgment of the law : on a more extensive plan than any law-dictionary hitherto published : containing not only the explanation of the terms, but also the law itself, both with regard to theory and practice. Very useful to barristers, justices of the peace, attornies, solicitors, &c. / |
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KD313 .C86 1764i
A new and complete law-dictionary, or, General abridgment of the law on a more extensive plan than any law-dictionary hitherto published : containing not only the explanation of the terms, but also the law itself, both with regard to theory and practice : very useful to barristers, justices of the peace, attornies, solicitors, &c. / |
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KD313 .C86 1771i
A new and complete law-dictionary, or, General abridgment of the law on a more extensive plan than any law-dictionary hitherto published : containing, not only the explanation of the terms, but also the law itself, both with regard to theory and practice : very useful to barristers, justices of the peace, attornies, solicitors, &c. / |
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KD313 .C86 1783i
A new and complete law-dictionary, or, General abridgment of the law on a more extensive plan than any law-dictionary hitherto published : containing not only the explanation of the terms, by also the law itself, both with regard to theory and practice : also the interpretations of the words made use of in our ancient charters, chronicles, histories, records, and registers : together with such knowledge as it is necessary to illustrate the antiquity of the law and our original government and customs in former times : the whole collected and extracted from all the abridgments, commentaries, histories, institutes, registers, reports, and yearbooks published to this time : and adapted to the use of barristers, attornies, solicitors, justices of the peace, members of Parliament, clergymen, &c., &c. / |
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KD313 .C87 2007
The Longman dictionary of law / |
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KD313 .D53 1999
Dictionary of law / |
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KD313 .D53 2000
Dictionary of law / |
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KD313 .D53 2007
Dictionary of law. |
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KD313 .F126 2004i
The law-French dictionary alphabetically digested very useful for all young students in the common laws of England : to which is added the law-Latin dictionary / |
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KD313 .H6 1839i
A new law dictionary containing explanations of such technical terms and phrases as occur in the works of the various law writers of Great Britain : to which is added An outline of an action at law, and of a suit in equity / |
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Exposicio[n]es t[er]mi[n]o[rum] legu[m] anglo[rum] Et natura breuium cu[m] diuersib[us] casub[us] regulis et fundame[n]tis legum tam de libris Magistri Litteltoni qua[m] de aliis legum libris collectis [et] breuit[er] compilatis p[er] iuuinib[us] valde necessariis. The exposicions of [the] termys of [the] law of england [and] the nature of the writts with diuers rulys [and] principalles of the law as well out of the bokis of Mayster Littelton as of other bokis of the law gaderyd and breuely compyled for yong men very necessarye. |
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KD313 .J32 1729
A new law-dictionary : containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, under all the heads and titles of the same. Together with such informations relating thereto, as explain the history and antiquity of the law, and our manners, customs, and original government. Abstracted from all dictionaries, abridgments, institutes, reports, yearbooks, charters, registers, chronicles, and histories, published to this time... |
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KD313 .J33 1797i
The law-dictionary explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in theory and practice : defining and interpreting the terms or words of art : and comprising copious information, historical, political, and commercial, on the subjects of our law, trade, and government / |
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KD313 .J33 1811i
The law-dictionary explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, defining and interpreting the terms or words of art, and comprising copious information on the subjects of law, trade, and government / |
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KD313 .J332 1729i
A new law-dictionary containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, under all the heads and titles of the same : together with such informations relating thereto, as explain the history and antiquity of the law, and our manners, customs, and original government : abstracted from all dictionaries, abridgments, institutes, reports, yearbooks, charters, registers, chronicles, and histories, published to this time, and fitted for the use of barristers, students, and practisers of the law, members of Parliament, and other gentlemen, justices of peace, clergymen, &c. / |
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KD313 .J333 1732i
A new law-dictionary containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law : and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, under all the heads and titles of the same : together with such informations relating thereto, as explain the history and antiquity of the law, and our manners, customs, and original government : collected and abstracted from all dictionaries, abridgments, institutes, reports, year-books, charters, registers, chronicles, and histories, published to this time, and fitted for the use of barristers, students, and practisers of the law, members of Parliament, and other gentlemen, justices of peace, clergymen, &c. / |
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