Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD353 .S4 v.38 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.39 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.41 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.42 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.43 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.44 The Liber pauperum of Vacarius / 1
KD353 .S4 v.45 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.47 Year books of Edward IV. 1
KD353 .S4 v.48 Select cases in the Exchequer of pleas 1236-1304 / 1
KD353 .S4 v.50 Year books of Henry VI. 1
KD353 .S4 v.51,64 Select cases in the Exchequer Chamber before all the justices of England / 1
KD353 .S4 v.52 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.53 Rolls of the justices in eyre, being the rolls of pleas and assizes for Lincolnshire 1218-9 and Worcestershire 1221 / 1
KD353 .S4 v.54 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.55,etc Select cases in the Court of King's Bench / 1
KD353 .S4 v.56 Rolls of the justices in eyre, being the rolls of pleas and assizes for Yorkshire 3 Henry III (1218-19) / 1
KD353 .S4 v.59 Rolls of the justices in eyre, being the rolls of pleas and assizes for Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and Staffordshire, 1221, 1222 / 1
KD353 .S4 v.60 Select cases of procedure without writ under Henry III / 1
KD353 .S4 v.61 Year books of Edward II. 1
KD353 .S4 v.62 Introduction to the Curia regis rolls, 1199-1230 A.D. / 1