Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD3951 .H35 1875i The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II 1
KD3951 .H35 1880i The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. / 1
KD3951 .H35 1884i The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II 1
KD3951 .H35 1896i The constitutional history of England, from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II 1
KD3951 .H35 1897i The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II / 1
KD3951 .H35i Constitutional history of England, Henry VII to George II 1
KD3951 .H65 1924i The influence of the legal profession on the growth of the English Constitution being the Creighton lecture delivered on 1st December 1924 / 1
KD3951 .K45 1938i The constitutional history of modern Britain, 1485-1937 1
KD3951 .K45 1969 The constitutional history of modern Britain since 1485. 1
KD3951 .R63 1919r Select statutes, cases, and documents to illustrate English constitutional history, 1660-1832 / 1
KD3951 .S65 1873i The constitutional history of England, from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. 1
KD3951 .V56 1936 English constitutional documents since 1832, 1
KD3952.A2 S45 1894i Select statutes and other constitutional documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I 1
KD3952.A2 S45 1913i Select statutes and other constitutional documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I 1
KD3952.A2 .T3 1922i Tudor constitutional documents A.D. 1485-1603 with an historical commentary / 1
KD3952.A2 .T3 1951i Tudor constitutional documents A.D.1485-1603 with an historical commentary / 1
KD3952 .C76 1959i Crown and Parliament in Tudor-Stuart England a documentary constitutional history, 1485-1714 / 1
KD3954 .G74 2001eb The radical face of the ancient constitution : St. Edward's "laws" in early modern political thought / 1
KD3954 (INTERNET) A brief enquiry into the ancient constitution and government of England as well in respect of the administration, as succession thereof ... / 1
KD3954 .J66 1999 Conscience and allegiance in seventeenth century England : the political significance of oaths and engagements / 1