Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KD5025 .K45 1933i | The constitutional law of the British dominions | 1 |
KD5025 .M37 1984 | Constitutional conventions : the rules and forms of political accountability / | 1 |
KD5025 .M38 1953i | Constitutional change in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth the operation of constituent power, amending power, and judicial interpretation, in the development of the constitutional jurisprudence of the Commonwealth countries / | 1 |
KD5025 .O26 1972 | Opinions on imperial constitutional law / | 1 |
KD5025 .S45 1985 | Select documents on the constitutional history of the British Empire and Commonwealth : the foundations of a colonial system of government / | 1 |
KD5029 .J63 | Sovereignty and protection : a study of British jurisdictional imperialism in the late nineteenth century / | 1 |
KD5110 .B38 1915r | War : its conduct and legal results / | 1 |
KD5110 .J67 2013 | The war prerogative : history, reform, and constitutional design / | 1 |
KD5114 | A jurisprudence of power Victorian empire and the rule of law / | 1 |
KD5118.2 .R83 1994 |
Private Property, Government Requisition and the Constitution, 1914-27. Private property, government requisition and the Constitution, 1914-1927 / |
2 |
KD5126 .B33 1941i | British war time control of rayon and rayon products | 1 |
KD5131.4 .G74 1919i | The Profiteering Act, 1919, fully annotated | 1 |
KD5280.A13 C37 1698 | The case of several patentees and their assignees, who are intituled to several annual sums, payable ouf the hereditary excise | 1 |
KD5280.A31 A2 1641 |
Anno regni Caroli Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November, Anno Dom. 1640. In the 16. yeer of the reign of our most gracious soveraign Lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Anno regni Caroli Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo octavo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the third day of November, Anno Dom. 1640. In the 16 yeer of the reign of our most gracious soveraign Lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. An act for the raising and leavying of moneys for the necessary defence and great affairs of the kingdoms of England and Ireland, and for the payment of debts undertaken by the Parliament. Anno regni Caroli Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November, Anno Dom. 1640. In the 16. yeer of the reign of our most gracious soveraign Lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. An act to inable corporations and bodies politique to participate of the benefit of an Act lately passed, entituled, An act for the speedie and effectual reducing of the rebells in his Majesties kingdom of Ireland to their due obedience ot his Majestie, and the Crown of England. |
3 |
KD5280 .A35 |
[Letter under the Privy Seal concerning the debts of Bevis Lloyd, Esq.] An extract of the Whole Charge contain'd in ye establishm[en]t of their Ma[jes]ties household & stables. An extract of the whole charge contained in the establishment of their ma[jes]ties household & stables |
3 |
KD5280 .A35 1688 | [Grant under the Privy Seal to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, for the increase in funding of guards, garrisons, and land forces, of any sum not exceeding £1,000,000] | 1 |
KD5280 .A35 1689 |
[Grant under the Privy Seal to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, for the increase in funding of guards, garrisons, and land forces, of any sum not exceeding £500,000] [Grant under the Privy Seal to Sydney, Lord Godolphin, Sir John Ernle, and Sir Stephen Fox for funding of the Navy Forces and Ordnance] [Letter under the Privy Seal discharging debts collected by John Trenchard, Esq.] A copie of the Earle of Dorsett Warr[an]t: Dorm[an]t. for his Livery |
4 |
KD5280 .A35 1690 |
A copie of the Warr[an]t. Dorm[an].t for Liveries & for seuerall of their Ma[jes]t[ie]s Serv[an]ts [Grant under the Privy Seal to Thomas Wharton for reimbursement in the purchase and keeping of carriage horses] [Grant under the Privy Seal to William Harbord, Esq., for the pay of military of forces used against the Jacobites in Ireland] [Grant under the Privy Seal to Henry de Nassau, Count of Auverquerque, for the keeping of horses] [Grant under the Privy Seal concerning the relief of Irish farmers] |
5 |
KD5280 .A35 1691 |
[Grant under the Privy Seal to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, for the increase in funding of guards, garrisons, and land forces] Extract out of the dockets of the Privy Seale of such warrants of sum not to bee warrants of privy[?] to June 1691 A copy of the warr[ant]. dormant for seuerall of his Ma[jesti]es Seruants Liueries |
3 |
KD5280 .A35 1692 | Fees vestures & other allowances paid by vertue of letters patents yearly | 1 |