Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD608 .B73 2003eb Kings, barons and justices : the making and enforcement of legislation in thirteenth-century England / 1
KD608 .H83 2012i The Oxford history of the laws of England. 1
KD608 .H95 2003 Rancor & reconciliation in medieval England / 1
KD608 .K37 2020 Kings, lords and courts in Anglo-Norman England / 2
KD608 .L39 1994 Law and government in medieval England and Normandy : essays in honour of Sir James Holt / 2
KD608 .M43 1981 Studies in 13th century justice and administration / 1
KD608 .M43 2009 Medieval petitions : grace and grievance / 1
KD608 .P6x 1898 The history of English law before the time of Edward I. / 1
KD608 .P6x 1909 The history of English law before the time of Edward I, by Sir Frederick Pollock, bart...and Frederic William Maitland.. 1
KD608 .P6x 1911 The history of English law before the time of Edward I. 1
KD608 .P6x 1968 The history of English law before the time of Edward I / 1
KD608 .T87 1994 Judges, administrators, and the common law in Angevin England / 1
KD610 Seeking sanctuary : crime, mercy, and politics in English courts, 1400-1550 / 1
KD610 .A24 1996 Criminal churchmen in the age of Edward III : the case of Bishop Thomas de Lisle / 1
KD610 .E52 1542 [The great abredgement of all the statutes of Englande] [with the abredgeme[n]tes of the statutes made in the .xxxiij. yere of the reygne of oure mooste dreade souereygne lorde kynge He[n]ry the eyght. To whom be al honour, reuerence, & ioyfull contynuaunce of his prosperours reygne to the pleasure of god and weale of this his realme. Amen. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.] 1
KD610 .H45 1987 Canon law and the law of England / 1
KD610 .M35 1901r English law and the Renaissance : (the Rede lecture for 1901) : with some notes / 1
KD610 .M87 1999 The evolution of English justice : law, politics, and society in the fourteenth century / 2
KD610 .O34 1958 The King's government and the common law, 1471-1641 / 1
KD610 .P35 1993 English law in the age of the Black Death, 1348-1381 : a transformation of governance and law / 2