Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD610 .M35 1901r English law and the Renaissance : (the Rede lecture for 1901) : with some notes / 1
KD610 .M87 1999 The evolution of English justice : law, politics, and society in the fourteenth century / 2
KD610 .O34 1958 The King's government and the common law, 1471-1641 / 1
KD610 .P35 1993 English law in the age of the Black Death, 1348-1381 : a transformation of governance and law / 2
KD610 .P35 1993eb English law in the age of the Black Death, 1348-1381 : a transformation of governance and law / 1
KD610 .P35 1993i English law in the age of the Black Death, 1348-1381 a transformation of governance and law / 1
KD610 .S63 2015 Unwritten verities : the making of England's vernacular legal culture, 1463/1549 / 2
KD610 .S78 1998 The high court of Star Chamber / 1
KD610 .T38 1540 The principal lawes customes and estatutes of England which be at this present day in vre [sic] compendiously gathered togither for y[e] weale and benefit of the Kinges Maiesties most louing subiect[s] : newely recognized and augmented. 1
KD611 .W55 The Tudor regime / 1
KD612 The Oxford handbook of English law and literature, 1500-1700 /
The true state of foure seuerall suites: the first whereof was betweene [brace] Iohn Wrenham pl. [and] Edward Fisher def. [brace] in Chancerie.
KD612 1661 To the right honorable, the Lord Chancellor, the humble petition of Covent-Garden. 1
KD612 .B76 2008 Law, politics and society in early modern England / 2
KD612.B76 2008 Law, Politics and Society in Early Modern England. 1
KD612 .B76 2008eb Law, politics and society in early modern England / 1
KD612 .D64 1990 Fundamental authority in late medieval English law / 2
KD612 .H37 2003 The rule of law : 1603-1660 : crowns, courts and judges / 1
KD612 .H37 2014eb The rule of law : 1603-1660 : crowns, courts and judges / 2
KD612 .H45 1963 Foundations of English administrative law : certiorari and mandamus in the seventeenth century / 1
KD612 (INTERNET) The ancient, legal, fundamental, and necessary rights of courts of justice, in their writs of capias, arrests, and process of outlary and the illegality ... which may arrive to the people of England, by the proposals tendred to His Majesty and the High Court of Parliament for the abolishing of that old and better way and method of justice, and the establishing of a new, by peremptory summons and citations in actions of debt /
A learned commendation of the politique lawes of Englande vvherin by moste pitthy reasons & euident demonstrations they are plainelye proued farre to excell aswell the ciuile lawes of the Empiere, as also all other lawes of the world, with a large discourse of the difference betwene the. ii. gouernements of kingdomes: whereof the one is onely regall, and the other consisteth of regall and polityque administration conioyned. /