Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD6139 .A25 1699 The case of the lieutenants of the late Second Marine Regiment, commanded by the honourable Sir Clowdsly Shovel, and of several of their widows. 1
KD6139 (INTERNET) Their Majesties declaration for encouragement of officers, seamen, and mariners employed in the present service 1
KD6139 .Z9 1668 To the right honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of many poor distressed sea-mens wives, and widows. 1
KD6246 .T6 1699 To the honourable the Commons in Parliament assembled the case of the owners and masters of the transport ships, that were imployed in the reduction of Ireland. 1
KD6248 .E63 1647 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the indempnity or saving harmlesse all those that have acted or done any thing by sea or land by authority of Parliament 21. Maii, 1647. 2
KD6250 .G742 1676 An abridgement of the English military discipline. 1
KD6250 .G742 1685 An abridgment of the English military discipline 1
KD6250 .G742x An abridgment of the English military discipline 1
KD6250 .K46 2019 British justice, war crimes and human rights violations : the age of accountability / 1
KD6250 .L38 Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the army. 1
KD6270.A3 1685 Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesties land-forces in pay during this present rebellion
Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesties army in this kingdom.
KD6270.A3 1692 Rules and articles for the better government of their Majesties land-forces in the low-countries and parts beyond the seas. 1
KD6270 .G75 1841i Notes on military law proceedings of courts martial / 1
KD6270 .H68 1855i Precedents in military law including the practice of courts martial, the mode of conducting trials, the duties of officers at military courts of inquests, courts of inquiry, courts of requests, etc. etc. / 1
KD6270 .T85 1872i Elementary lectures on military law 1
KD6278.D4 T7 1685 A true account of the behaviour, confession, and execution of Samuel Alderton, who was executed on a gibbet on Hounslow-Heath in the county of Middlesex, on Friday the 7th of August, 1685. Together with his parentage, birth, education, and former manner of life. 1
KD6278.M8 K5 Trial of Captain Kidd / 1
KD6290 .C56 1872i The administration of justice under military and martial law 1
KD6290 .C63 1884i A handy text-book on military law arranged according to the syllabus, Queen's regulations, and comprising synopsis of parts of the Reserve forces act, 1882; Militia act, 1882; Army act, 1881; and some examination questions / 1
KD6290 .D88 1845i The duties of judge advocates 1