Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD6250 .K46 2019 British justice, war crimes and human rights violations : the age of accountability / 1
KD6250 .L38 Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the army. 1
KD6270.A3 1685 Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesties land-forces in pay during this present rebellion
Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesties army in this kingdom.
KD6270.A3 1692 Rules and articles for the better government of their Majesties land-forces in the low-countries and parts beyond the seas. 1
KD6270 .G75 1841i Notes on military law proceedings of courts martial / 1
KD6270 .H68 1855i Precedents in military law including the practice of courts martial, the mode of conducting trials, the duties of officers at military courts of inquests, courts of inquiry, courts of requests, etc. etc. / 1
KD6270 .T85 1872i Elementary lectures on military law 1
KD6278.D4 T7 1685 A true account of the behaviour, confession, and execution of Samuel Alderton, who was executed on a gibbet on Hounslow-Heath in the county of Middlesex, on Friday the 7th of August, 1685. Together with his parentage, birth, education, and former manner of life. 1
KD6278.M8 K5 Trial of Captain Kidd / 1
KD6290 .C56 1872i The administration of justice under military and martial law 1
KD6290 .C63 1884i A handy text-book on military law arranged according to the syllabus, Queen's regulations, and comprising synopsis of parts of the Reserve forces act, 1882; Militia act, 1882; Army act, 1881; and some examination questions / 1
KD6290 .D88 1845i The duties of judge advocates 1
KD6293 .A26 1937i Admiralty memorandum on naval court-martial procedure 1
KD6293 .A939 1786i A treatise on courts martial to which is added, An essay on military punishments and rewards / 1
KD6293 .A939 1799i A treatise on courts martial, also, An essay on military punishments and rewards 1
KD6293 .B87 1876i Celebrated naval and military trials 1
KD6293 .C68 1915i Courts-martial 1
KD6293 .D34 1858i Observations on the practice and the forms of district, regimental, and detachment courts martial also remarks on the composition and practice of court of inquiry, etc. etc. / 1
KD6293 .G74 1951i Courts-martial procedure and administration of justice in the armed forces conclusions of His Majesty's Government on the recommendations of the Army and Air Force Courts-Martial Committee, 1946, and the committee appointed to consider the administration of justice under the Naval Discipline Act, 1950. 1
KD6293 .H68 1825i The practice of courts-martial also the legal exposition and military explanation of the Mutiny Act and Articles of war : together with the crimes and sentences of numerous courts-martial, and the remarks thereupon by His Majesty, and the several commanders in-chief in the East-Indies, and on foreign stations, &c. : the whole forming a manual of the judicial and military duties of an officer in various situations : likewise the general rules of evidence, the mode of proceedings by regimental court-martial, in appeals from a regimental to a general court-martial, and the mode of proceeding by general court-martial, according to the practice of the horse-guards : also an exposition of the criminal and statute law of England, applicable to capital, &c. crimes, cognizable by general courts-martial; together with the forms of indictment, the evidence, the number of witnesses, and the penalty prescribed in each case; with several cases decided in the courts of law, relative to the military body, and various other matter, from the latest and most approved works. 1