Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KD6899 .H37 1761i | The present practice of the Court of Common Pleas with large notes and observations from the best authorities and the rules of court, in a method intirely new : to which are added, necessary precedenets an complete table to the whole / | 1 |
KD6899 .I47 1785i | The new instructor clericalis stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of Common Pleas : with directions for commencing and defending actions, entering up judgments, suing out executions, and proceeding in error : to which are added, the rules of the court, modern precedents, and several other matters necessary to be known by attornies and their clerks, in town and country : the whole illustrated by useful notes and observations from the best authorities to the present time, with the addition of a copious index / | 1 |
KD6899 .I47 1817i | The new instructor clericalis stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of Common Pleas / | 1 |
KD6899 .I47 1826i | The new instructor clericalis stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of Common Pleas / | 1 |
KD6899 .T69 1675i | A preparative to pleading being a work intended for the instruction and help of young clerks of the Court of Common Pleas / | 1 |
KD6902 | To the honorable assembly of Commons, in house of Parliament the humble petition of His Maiesties much grieued and distressed subjects and seruants belonging to his Highnesse great Wardrobe, whose names are here vnder-written, with others their artificers and dependants, to the number of two thousand persons or there about. | 1 |
KD6902 .B78 | The equity side of the exchequer : its jurisdiction, administration, procedures, and records : Yorke Prize essay for 1973 / | 1 |
KD6902 .B78 1975 | The Equity Side of the Exchequer / | 1 |
KD6902 .G45 | An historical view of the court of exchequer : and of the King's revenues, there answered / | 1 |
KD6902 .G55 1758i | A treatise on the Court of Exchequer in which the revenues of the crown; the manner of receiving and accounting for the several branches of them; the duty of the several officers employed in the collection and receipt; the nature of the processes for the recovery of debts due to the crown; are clearly explained : as also occasionally, the nature of the feudal and other antient tenures; the origin of parliaments, convocations, the several courts of justice; and many other curious and useful particulars are shewn / | 1 |
KD6902 .H67 2001 | Exchequer equity records and proceedings, 1649-1841 / | 1 |
KD6913 .C6 | A history of English assizes, 1558-1714 | 1 |
KD6913 .E5 1690 | By the King and Queen, a proclamation. Marie R. The King and Queens Most Excellent Majesties taking into their princely consideration, that the holding the next Assizes for the several counties of this kingdom at the days and times first intended, might greatly obstruct the good endeavours ... for the common defence of the kingdom at this time of invasion by the French .. | 1 |
KD6913 .L72 | Reports and pleadings of cases in assise, for offices, nusances, lands and tenaments; shewing the manner of proceeding in assises of novel disseinsin ... with observations on every case ... To which are added, writs of assise, & c. | 1 |
KD6913 ǂb C6 1972eb | A History of English Assizes 1558-1714 / | 1 |
KD6914 .B74 |
The grand juries address and presentments to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Bristol &c to the right worshipful Sir Richard Hart, Knight, mayor of the said city and the right worshipful and worshipful [sic] the aldermen of the same, His Majesties justices of the peace, of and for this city and the county of the same, now assembled in their general quarter sessions of the peace, begun and held the 12th day of April instant, and by several adjournments continued to this 26th day of the same month, anno Dom. 1681. The grand juries address and presentments to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Bristol &c to the right worshipful Sir Richard Hart, Knight, mayor of the said city and the right worshipful and worshipful [sic] the aldermen of the same, His Majesties justices of the peace, of and for this city and the county of the same, now assembled in their general quarter sessions of the peace, begun and held the 12th day of April instant, and by several adjournments continued to this 26th day of the same month, anno Dom. 1681. |
2 |
KD6914 .E93 | Some animadversions on a case inserted in a book lately printed entituled Modern reports, or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of Kings-Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, since the restauration of His Majesty King Charles the Second. | 2 |
KD6937 | The six clerk's reply to the under-clerk's answer | 1 |
KD6937 .A26 1826i | Copy of the report made to His Majesty by the commissioners appointed to inquire into the practice of chancery | 1 |
KD6937 .A856 | Chancery files (Petty Bag series) Class list. | 1 |