Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KD6937 .M37 1890r | History of the Court of Chancery and of the rise and development of the doctrines of equity / | 1 |
KD6937 .M46 1827i | A letter to William Courtenay, Esq., on the subject of the Chancery Commission | 1 |
KD6937 .O27 1831i | Observations regarding the office of master in the High Court of Chancery | 1 |
KD6937 .P244 1794 | An analysis of the practice of the court of chancery / | 1 |
KD6937 .P45 | Seasonable observations on a late book intitvled A system of the law: as it was contrived and published by the committee appointed for regulation: so far as it relates to the high Court of Chancery, and the fees and proceedings thereof: Wherein several proposals made by the said committee, are held unsafe and inconvenient; some are approved of, and illustrated; and others supplyed wherein the same are conceived defective: With further proposals, for the better regulation of said court, and more speedy and cheap hearing of causes. And an exact table. 1. Containing the fees now paid to the grand officers and patentees. 2. How much will satisfie the true labourers. 3. What wil [sic] be saved thereby to all suiters in the said court. Unto which is likewise annexed, the memorable case put by the late King James, to the then learned judges of the land, touching the power and jurisdiction of the said court, for relieving complainants after judgements given in the Courts of Common-Law; and how far the Statutes of Præmunire do extend to restrain the said court therein: With the reasons and resolutions of the said judges thereupon: Tendered to the consideration of the supreme authority: and published for the general good and information of all practitioners and suiters in the said court. / | 1 |
KD6937 .P73 1870i | The practice of the High Court of Chancery with the nature of the several offices belonging to that court, and the reports of many cases wherein relief hath been denyed; and known as "Choyce cases in chancery." | 1 |
KD6937 .R43 1826i | Considerations suggested by the report made to His Majesty under a commission authorising the commissioners to make certain inquiries respecting the Court of Chancery | 1 |
KD6937 .R63 1882r | History of the High Court of Chancery and other institutions of England : from the time of Caius Julius Caesar until the accession of William and Mary (in 1688-9) / | 1 |
KD6937.S62 A5 | The antiquity & original of the Court of Chancery and authority of the lord chancellor of England being a branch of Serjeant Snagg's reading, upon the 28 chapter of Magna Charta, at the Middle Temple, in Lent, 13 Eliz. : with his congratulatory epistle, (by way of preface) to the Lord Chancellor Hatton, in 29 Eliz. | 1 |
KD6937 .S74 1846 | The equitable jurisdiction of the Court of chancery; comprising its rise, progress, and final establishment; to which is prefixed, with a view to the elucidation of the main subject, a concise account of the leading doctrines of the common law and of the course of procedure in the courts of common law in regard to civil rights; with an attempt to trace them to their sources; and in which the various alterations made by the legislature down to the present day are noticed. | 1 |
KD6937 .W4 1830r | A view of the Court of Chancery / | 1 |
KD6937 .W55 1690 | Some reasons humbly offered to the King, Lords and Commons in Parliament by Wa. Williams of the Middle-Temple Esq; for passing the bill entitled, An act for the better reviewing of causes in Chancery and other courts of equity. | 1 |
KD6937.Z9 R43 | Reasons to be offered touching the fees mentioned in the table annexed to the ordinance related to the intended attorneys in Chancery | 2 |
KD6937.Z9 V86 | Considerations suggested by the report made to His Majesty under a commission authorising the commissioners to make certain inquiries respecting the Court of Chancery. | 1 |
KD6939.A25 1661 E53 |
A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery with such alterations and additions thereunto as the right honorable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of England, by and with the advice and assistance of the honorable Sir Harbottle Grimston, Baronet, Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present to ordain and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said court, preventing the multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery with such alterations and additions thereunto, as the right honorable Edward Earle of Clarendon, lord chancellor of England ... and ... the honorable Sir Harbottle Brimston, Barronet, master of the rolls, have thought fit at present to ordaine and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said courts, preventing multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters, and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery with such alterations and additions thereunto as the right honorable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of England, by and with the advice and assistance of the honorable Sir Harbottle Grimston, Baronet, Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present to ordain and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said court, preventing the multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery with such alterations and additions thereunto, as the right honorable Edward Earle of Clarendon, lord chancellor of England ... and ... the honorable Sir Harbottle Brimston, Barronet, master of the rolls, have thought fit at present to ordaine and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said courts, preventing multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters, and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. |
4 |
KD6939.A25 1661 (INTERNET) | A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery with such alterations and additions thereunto, as the right honorable Edward Earle of Clarendon, lord chancellor of England ... and ... the honorable Sir Harbottle Brimston, Barronet, master of the rolls, have thought fit at present to ordaine and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said courts, preventing multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters, and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. | 1 |
KD6939.A25 1676 E53 | A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery with such alterations and additions thereunto as the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellour of England, by and with the advice and assistance of the Honourable Sir Harbottle Grimston, Baronet, Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present to ordain and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said court, preventing the multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters and for their more expeditions [sic] and certain course for relief. | 1 |
KD6939 .A3 1660 | A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery; With such alterations and additions thereunto, as the right honorable Edward Earle of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of England. By and with the advice and assistance of the honorable Sir Harbottle Grimston Baronet, Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present to ordaine and publish, for reforming of several abuses in the said courts, preventing multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters, and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. | 1 |
KD6939 .A3 1860i | The statutes, general orders, and regulations relating to the practice and jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery with copious notes, containing a summary of every reported decision thereon up to Easter term, 1860 / | 1 |
KD6939 .A33 1815i | The general orders of the High Court of Chancery from the year 1600 to the present period : collated with the register's book, &c. / | 1 |