Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD6942 .C3 1975 The ancient state authoritie, and proceedings of the Court of Requests / 2
KD6945 .S44 1672 A brief discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor of England 2
KD6945 .S44 1677 A brief discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor of England 2
KD6965 .R5 1961 History of the Court of Augmentations, 1536-1554 / 1
KD6968 .A25 1616 By the Kings Maiesties commissioners for granting court leets 1
KD6968 .A3 1634 The order of keeping a court leet and court baron, with the charges appertaining to the same. Truely and plainely delivered in the English tongue, for the profit of all men, and most commodious for young students of the lawes, and all other within the iurisdiction of those courts, : with divers new additions thereunto added. 1
KD6968.A3 M6 1525 Modus tenend[i] cur[iam] baron[is] cum visu franc[i] plegij. 2
KD6968.A3 O7 1612 The Order of keeping a court leet and court baron with the charges appertaining to the same : truely and plainely deliuered in the English tongue, for the profit of al men, and most commodious for young students of the lawes, and all other within the iurisdiction of those courts : with diuers new additions thereunto added. 1
KD6968.A35 M62 1521 Modus tenend[i] cur[iam] baron[ensis] cum visu franam plegij 1
KD6968.A9 S43 1654 The court-keepers guide, or, A plaine and familiar treatise needfull and usefull for the help of many that are imployed in the keeping of lawdayes or courts baron wherein is largely and plainely opened the jurisdiction of these courts with the learning of mannors, copyholds, rents, harriots and other services and advantages belonging unto mannors, to the great profit of lords of mannors and owners of these courts / 2
KD6968 .A99 1923i Private jurisdiction in England 1
KD6968 .J33 1752i The complete court-keeper, or, Land-steward's assistant 1
KD6968 .J33 1764i The complete court-keeper or, Land-steward's assistant / 1
KD6968 .K5 1663 Jurisdictions, or, The lawful authority of courts leet, courts baron, Court of Marshalseyes, Court of Pypowder, and antient demesne together with the most necessary learning of tenures and ... all manner of pleading ... / 1
KD6968 .K57 1598 Le court leete et court baron 1
KD6968 .K57 1675 Jurisdictions, or, The lawful authority of courts leet, courts baron, court of marshalseys, court of pypowder and ancient demesn together with the most necessary learning of tenures and all their incidents of essoyns, imparlance, view; of all manner of pleadings, of contracts, of the nature of all sorts of actions, of maintenance; of divers other things very profitable for all students ... and ... stewards of any the said courts : with the return and forms of several original and judicial writs now in use relating to writs of error, writs of false judgment, and other proceedings of frequent use in the courts at Westminster /
Jurisdictions, or, The lawful authority of courts leet, courts baron, court of marshalseys, court of pypowder and ancient demesn together with the most necessary learning of tenures and all their incidents of essoyns, imparlance, view; of all manner of pleadings, of contracts, of the nature of all sorts of actions, of maintenance; of divers other things very profitable for all students ... and ... stewards of any the said courts : with the return and forms of several original and judicial writs now in use relating to writs of error, writs of false judgment, and other proceedings of frequent use in the courts at Westminster /
KD6968 .K5713 1653i Jurisdictions, or, The lawful authority of courts leet, courts baron, Court of Marshallseyes, Court of Pypowder, and ancient demesne together with the most necessary learning of tenures, and all their incidents of essoyns, imparlance, view, of all manner of pleadings, of contracts, of the nature of all sorts of actions, of maintenance, of diverse other things very profitable for all students of innes of court and chancery, and a most perfect directory for all stewards of any the said courts / 1
KD6968 .L39 [The lawe-dayes, whereon these courts here names, are appointed to be kept, this present yeere 1611. (that is to day,) on all those dayes are kept]
[The law-dayes in the courts of the arches, audience, prerogative, consistory in Pauls, delegates, admirall court and high-commission, as they be usually kept in the terme-time]
[The law dayes, whereon these courts heere named, are appointed to be kept, this present yeare 1603. That is to say.]
KD6968 M62 1523 Modus tenend[um] cur[iam] Baron[um] cum visu franem plegij. In primis precept[um] fiat. 1
KD6968 .M63 1915i Modus tenendi cŭr barŏn cum visu franci plegii 1