Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD7309 .D34 The countrey justice containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions gathered for the better help of such justices of peace as have not been much conversant in the study of the laws of this realm / 2
KD7309 .D34 1661 The countrey justice containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions : gathered for the better help of such justices of peace as have not been much conversant with the study of the laws of this realm / 1
KD7309 .D35 1622r The countrey justice : containing the practise of the justices of the peace out of their sessions gathered, for the better helpe of such justices of peace as have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme / 1
KD7309 .D35 1643 The countrey justice containing the practice of the justices of the peace out of their sessions : gathered for the better helpe of such justices of the peace as have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme / 1
KD7309 .E3 1963 Justice of the peace / 1
KD7309 .E5 1564 [The seuer]all rates and taxations for wages, made and set foorth by the justices of peace, for the towne countie of Southampton 1
KD7309 .F57 1560 The neuue boke of iustices of peace 1
KD7309 .G54 1969 The justices of the peace in England, 1558 to 1640 : a later Eirenarcha / 1
KD7309 .G55 Politics and the appointment of justices of the peace, 1675-1720 / 2
KD7309 .H37 The work of a magistrate / 1
KD7309 .J33 1717i The modern justice containing the business of a justice of peace, in all its parts : as an abridgment of the common law, and of the acts of Parliament relating to justices of peace, constables, and other parish officers under them, compleat down to this time; and some special cases in law to illustrate the same : with great variety of the best approved and authentick precedents of precepts, summons, warrants, examinations, commitments, &c. regularly interspersed, fitting all occasions for putting of the laws in force : to which is added, a particular account of the constitution and government of a considerable work-house for employing and maintaining of the poor within the city of Bristol, as settled by act of Parliament, with precedents relating to it : an alphabetical table, shewing what acts of Parliament do concern the business of a justice : with a compleat table to the whole, and particular marginal heads, &c. throughout ; in a more informing method than in any other book extant on this subject / 1
KD7309 .J66 1650 The peace of justice, or, The authoritie of a justice of peace anciently established amongst the first principles of the fundamental laws of England, under the names of conservators, &c. : continually confirmed by parliaments from time to time, but eftsoon over-born by corrupt superiorities, till now restored to its pristine libertie, by the keepers of the libertie of England by authoritie of Parliament ... : one of which, being for the liberties of Westminster and S. Martins le Grand London, is herein Englished, interposed, and post-scribed with some reasons extracted out of statutes and other authours ... /
The peace of justice, or, The authoritie of a justice of peace anciently established amongst the first principles of the fundamental laws of England, under the names of conservators, &c. : continually confirmed by parliaments from time to time, but eftsoon over-born by corrupt superiorities, till now restored to its pristine libertie, by the keepers of the libertie of England by authoritie of Parliament ... : one of which, being for the liberties of Westminster and S. Martins le Grand London, is herein Englished, interposed, and post-scribed with some reasons extracted out of statutes and other authours ... /
KD7309 .J86 1731i The justice's case law being a concise abridgment of all the cases of crown law, relating to justices of peace, and their business and proceedings, with references to the book of reports and other law treatises on the subject : digested in a new alphabetical method, and very necessary to be perused by all justices, as an immediate direction to them how to proceed in their offices : and likewise of use to barristers at law, clerks of the peace, coroners, &c. 1
KD7309 .K42 An assistance to justices of the peace, for the easier performance of their duty. 1
KD7309 .K43 1683i An assistance to justices of the peace, for the easier performance of their duty 1
KD7309 .K55 1703i Choice presidents upon all acts of Parliament, relating to the office and duty of a justice of peace including those made and passed in the first year of the reign of Queen Anne : with notes and instructions thereupon taken out of the said acts, and particular cases in law adjudg'd therein : also a more useful method of making up court-rolls than hath been hitherto published in print / 1
KD7309 .L35 1581i Eirenarcha, or, Of the office of the iustices of peace, in two bookes gathered. 1579. and now reuised, and firste published, in the . 24. yeare of the peaceable reigne of Our Gratious Queene Elizabeth / 1
KD7309 .L35 1599i Eirenarcha, or, Of the office of the iustices of peace in foure bookes 1
KD7309 .L35 1602i Eirenarcha, or, Of the office of the iustices of peace, in foure bookes 1
KD7309 .L36 1989 English justices of the peace, 1461-1509 / 1