Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD758 .L87 1887i Married women's rights and liabilities in relation to contracts, torts and trusts 1
KD758 .M37 2013 Married women and the law : coverture in England and the common law world / 1
KD758 .M37 2013eb Married women and the law : coverture in England and the common law world / 1
KD758 .M38 1892i A manual of the law relating to married women 1
KD758 .O52 1975i On the property of married women and the law of divorce a collection of documents / 1
KD758 .P37 1989 Women and marriage in nineteenth-century England
Women and marriage in nineteenth-century England /
KD758 .R54 1883i The rights of married women (whenever married) in their property under the Act of 1882 : written in language that everyone can understand / 1
KD758 .S45 2021 Reading mistress Elizabeth Bourne : marriage, separation, and legal controversies / 1
KD758 .S47 1989 Feminism, marriage, and the law in Victorian England, 1850-1895 / 2
KD758 .S6 1984 The ties that bind : law, marriage, and the reproduction of patriarchal relations / 1
KD758 .S74 1982 A woman's issue : the politics of family law reform in England / 2
KD758 .T8 1732i A treatise of feme coverts, or, The lady's law containing all the laws and statutes relating to women ... : to which are added, Judge Hide's very remarkable argument in the Exchequer-chamber, term. Trin. 15 Car. 2. in the case of Manby and Scot, whether and in what cases the husband is bound by the contract of his wife, and select precedents, of conveyances in all cases concerning feme coverts. 1
KD758.T81732r 758 .T8 1732r A treatise of feme coverts; or, The lady's law : containing all the laws and statutes relating to women ... To which are added, Judge Hide's very remarkable argument in the Exchequer-chamber, term. Trin. 15 Car. 2. in the case of Manby and Scot, whether and in what cases the husband is bound by the contract of his wife: and select precedents of conveyances in all cases concerning feme coverts. 1
KD758 .W54 1993 Wife and widow in medieval England / 2
KD758 .W58 1994 The wives : the rights of married women / 1
KD760 1KBW on enforcement in financial remedy proceedings / 2
KD760.A13 C37 1692 The case of Sir Caesar Wood, alias Cranmer, Kt. appellant, against Charles Duke of Southampton, respondent, from a decree of the late Lord Jefferies in Chancery, between the said Charles Duke of Southampton, complainant, and the said appellant, defendant. Humbly presented to the consideration of the Right Honorable the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled. 1
KD760 .B37 1895i Married women and their debts being reports of the hitherto unreported cases of (1.) Cox r. Bennett, Kay, J., July 16, 1890, (2.) Hood Barrs r. Cathcart and other actions, C.A., Jan. 11, 1894, (3.) Hulbert & Crowe v. Cathcart, C.A., Feb. 26, 1894, (4.) Hood Barrs v. Cathcart, C.A., July 23, 1894, (5.) In re Fenton, Stirling, J., Jan. 17, 1895, C.A., Jan. 19, 1895, Kekewich, J., Feb. 8, 1895, (6.) Ventom v. Monk, C.A., Feb. 20, 1895 / 1
KD760 .B45 1850i The law of property as arising from the relation of husband and wife 2
KD760 .C55 1827i A treatise of the rights, duties and liabilities of husband and wife at law and in equity / 1