Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD7630 .C382 1835x  
KD7630 .C386 1835x  
KD7630 .G67 1905i The appellate jurisdiction of the House of Lords and of the full Parliament 1
KD7630 .M33 1842i A practical treatise on the appellate jurisdiction of the House of Lords & Privy Council together with the practice on parliamentary divorce / 1
KD7630 .M37 1990 Appellate justice in England and the United States : a comparative analysis / 1
KD7630 .M37 1990i Appellate justice in England and the United States a comparative analysis / 1
KD7630 .S43 1653 A second supply to the draft of a great act or system, concerning the regulation of the law. Or, A fall of above twenty nine in thirty writts of error and of nine parts in ten of the charge, in those after to be necessary : and a prevention of delays, inconveniences, and mischeifs in future, which formerly have happened by such writs : In order to the saving yearly to the people many thousands of pounds, part of the severall millions and odd of pounds by the Anti-Levellers Antidote mentioned to be saved. With a short justification of the funerall of tythes of impropriators and symonists, &c. Rejoyned unto by an angry pamphlet, intituled, A vindication of a short treatise of tythes, &c. / 1
KD7630 .T43 Le digest des briefs originals et des choses concernants eux 2
KD7630 .T76 1884i Appeals from the convictions and orders of justices 1
KD7630 .T76 1891i Appeals from the convictions and orders of justices including appeals by special case to a superior court, the Justices' Protection Act, 1848, and review of Justices' Decisions Act, 1872 / 1
KD7632.A33 E53 1661 Forasmuch as upon writs of error retornable into this High Court of Parliament, the plaintiffs therein desire to delay justice, rather then to come to the determination of the right of the cause
Forasmuch as upon writs of error retornable into this High Court of Parliament, the plaintiffs therein desire to delay justice, rather then to come to the determination of the right of the cause it is therefore ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that the plaintiffs in all such writs after the same, and the records be brought in, shall speedily repair to the clerk of the Parliament, and prosecute their writs of error ..
KD7632 .B55 Final appeal : a study of the House of Lords in its judicial capacity / 1
KD7632 .F76 2011 From House of Lords to Supreme Court : judges, jurists and the process of judging / 1
KD7632 .F76 2011eb From House of Lords to Supreme Court : judges, jurists and the process of judging / 1
KD7632 .J83 2009 The Judicial House of Lords 1876-2009 / 2
KD7632 .P38 2013 Final judgment : the last law lords and the Supreme Court / 1
KD7632 .S93 1824i A treatise on the jurisdiction and modern practice in appeals to the House of Lords and in proceedings on claims to dormant peerages / 1
KD7634 .C37 The Case of Samuel Hanson, merchant and planter in Barbadoes humbly offer'd and submitted to the Kings most excellent Majesty's consideration and royal determination in council. 2
KD7634 .S24 1901i The practice of the Privy Council in judicial matters in appeals from courts of civil, criminal and admirality jurisdiction in the colonies, possessions, and foreign jurisdictions of the crown, and in appeals from ecclesiastical and prize courts, together with the practice as to matters heard upon special reference and applications for the prolongation of patents : with forms of procedure and precedents of bills of costs (founded upon "Macpherson's Practice of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.") / 1
KD7634 .S45 1891i Judicial procedure in the Privy Council 1