Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD7963 .M67 2011 Fine lines and distinctions : murder, manslaughter and the unlawful taking of human life / 1
KD7963 .S53 1773 Remarks on the opinions of some of the most celebrated writers on crown law respecting the due distinction between manslaughter and murder ... 1
KD7963 .W38 1842i Medico-legal treatise on homicide by external violence in relation to the causes of death by violence, and the signs of death by the different kinds of injury to the nervous, circulating, respiratory, and nutritive systems : also to the circumstances which modify the medico-legal characters of injuries, & exculpatory pleas / 1
KD7964 Blood in the bank : social and legal aspects of death at work / 1
KD7964 .N4 A true account of the behaviour of Mr. Francis Newland, who was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 19th of April, 1695. for the murther of Francis Thomas, Esq; : together with a paper delivered to the Ordinary, attested with his own hand, desiring that he would publish it, for the benefit of his friends and acquaintance. 1
KD7964 .R68 Mr. Harrison proved the murtherer, or, His late villany unmasked with a justification of the King's evidence : in answer to several pamphlets which were written by Hen. Harrison, after his condemnation, and publisht since his execution, for the horrible murther of Dr. Andrew Clench / 2
KD7964 .S74 1866i The definition of murder considered in relation to the report of the capital punishment commissioners / 1
KD7964 .T7 1679 A true relation of the execution of Robert Green and Laurence Hill, at Tyburn: two Roman-Catholiques, who (with another) received tryal at the Kings-Bench-Bar, Westminster : and were there condemned to be hanged, it being their evidently proved that they were of the number of the murderers of Sir Edmund-Bury-Godfrey. : With the manner of their behaviour in New-Gate after condemnation, and their last speeches at the place of execution. 1
KD7965 .A96 2013 Corporate manslaughter and regulatory reform 1
KD7967 .A19 2023 100 Years of the Infanticide Act : Legacy, Impact and Future Directions / 1
KD7967 .C67 Anno vicesimo primo Jacobi Regis, &c. an act to prevent the destroying and murthering of bastard children. 1
KD7967 .J33 1996 New-born child murder : women, illegitimacy and the courts in eighteenth-century England / 1
KD7969 .D43 2020eb Decriminalising abortion in the UK : what would it mean? /
Decriminalising Abortion in the UK : What Would It Mean?
KD7969 .D53 1966 Abortion and the law 1
KD7969 .H56 Abortion law reformed 1
KD7972.A3 E53 1671 Anno Regini Caroli II Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, vicesimo secundo & vicesimo tertio at the Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth day of May, Anno Dom. 1661. In the thirteenth year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign Lord Charles, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, defender of the faith, &c., and there continued by several prorogations, to the fourteenth day of February1669/70. 1
KD7972 .E55 At the Court at Whitehall April the twenty first, 1680 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ..
At the Court at Whitehall April the twenty first, 1680 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty.
KD7972 .H87 2005 Gender and petty violence in London, 1680-1720 / 1
KD7973 Prosecuting domestic abuse in neoliberal times : amplifying the survivor's voice / 1
KD7973 .B53 2023i Blackstone's guide to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 1