Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KD833 .L57 1576 | Littleton tenures in Englishe / Cum priuilegio. | 1 |
KD833 .L57 1586 | Littletons tenures in English / Cum priuilegio. | 1 |
KD833 .L57 1592 | Littletons tenures in English | 1 |
KD833 .L57 1612 |
Littletons Tenures in English lately perused and amended. Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certaine cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe * al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux, au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Monsieur Littleton : pur quel enconuenience, ils seront dernierment tolles de cest lieur : et cy vn foits pluis admotes al request des gentlehomes, students en le lay Dengleterre. |
2 |
KD833 .L57 1616 | Littletons Tenures in English lately perused and amended. | 1 |
KD833 .L57 1621 | Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certain cases addes per auters de puisne temps .. | 1 |
KD833 .L57 1656 | Littletons Tenures in English lately perused and amended. | 2 |
KD833 .L5713 1651i | An abridgement of the Lord Coke's commentary on Littleton collected by an unknown author; yet by a late edition pretended to be Sir Humphrey Davenports Kt. and in this second impression purged from very many gross errors committed in the said former edition : with a table of the most remarkable things therein. | 1 |
KD833 .L5713 1825i | Littleton's tenures in English | 1 |
KD833 .L5713 1846i | Littleton's tenures with notes explanatory of the text of Littleton, and showing the recent alterations of the law / | 1 |
KD833 .L5713 1903r | Littleton's Tenures in English / | 1 |
KD833 .L5713 1970i | Lyttleton, his treatise of tenures in French and English. | 1 |
KD833 .L58 1845 | Littleton's Tenures in English. | 1 |
KD833 .M36 1989 | Common law aboriginal title / | 1 |
KD833 .P37 | A Particular of such of His Majesties fee-farm rents, and other rents within his Kingdom of England, as are now vested in trustees, by letters patents bearing date the 13th of June, 1670 to be sold by vertue of the late act of Parliament. | 2 |
KD833 .P43 2022 | The madman and the churchrobber : law and conflict in early modern England / | 1 |
KD833 .P55 1886i | Order from chaos a treatise on land-tenure / | 1 |
KD833 .P64 1883 | The land laws / | 1 |
KD833 .P64 1883i | The land laws | 1 |
KD833 .P64 1887i | The land laws | 1 |