Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD8760 .M37 Immorality, debauchery, and profaness [sic], exposed to the reproof of Scripture, and the censure of the law containing a compendium of the penal laws now in force against idleness, profaneness, and drunkenness, houses of unlawful games, profane swearing and cursing, speaking or acting in contempt of the Holy Sacrament, disturbing of ministers, profane jesting with the name of God, absenting from the church, profanation of the Lord's day, debauched incontinency, and bastard-getting : with several texts of Scripture prohibiting such vices : and a brief collection of the signal judgments of God against offenders in the said vices and debaucheries /
Immorality, debauchery, and profaness [sic], exposed to the reproof of Scripture, and the censure of the law containing a compendium of the penal laws now in force against idleness, profaneness, and drunkenness, houses of unlawful games, profane swearing and cursing, speaking or acting in contempt of the Holy Sacrament, disturbing of ministers, profane jesting with the name of God, absenting from the church, profanation of the Lord's day, debauched incontinency, and bastard-getting : with several texts of Scripture prohibiting such vices : and a brief collection of the signal judgments of God against offenders in the said vices and debaucheries /
KD8763 .H63 1792i A treatise on heresy, as cognizable by the spiritual courts and an examination of the statute 9th and 10th of William IIId. c.32, entitled, "An act for the more effectual suppressing of blasphemy and profaneness, in denying by writing, printing, teaching, or advised speaking, the divine original of the scriptures, or the doctrine of the Holy Trinity" / 1
KD8765 .B5 1699 The Bishop of St. David's case 1
KD8804 Sharia councils and Muslim women in Britain : rethinking the role of power and authority / 1
KD8804 .M37 2022 A geo-legal approach to the English Sharia courts : cases and conflicts / 1
KD8850 .E77 Ad generalem sessionem pacis pro comitatu prædicto tent. apud Chelmisford in dicto comitatu die Martis quinto die Octobris anno regni Domini nostri Caroli ... whereas the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privie Councell by His Highnesse expresse direction have by their severall letters commended unto us severall instructions ..
At a generall asse[m]blie of the iustices of the pea[ce] ...
KD8850.K4 L34 1656i A perambulation of Kent conteining the description, hystorie, and customes of that shire / 1
KD8850.K45 A83 Kent at law 1602 / 1
KD8850 .M52 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for bringing in the arrears of the monethly assessment formerly charged upon the cities of London and Westminster, and all other parishes and places within the line of communication, and county of Middlesex. 1
KD8850.M532 P748 1819i A practical treatise on the statutes for registering deeds and other instruments in the counties of Middlesex and York with precedents of memorials / 1
KD8850.Y672 P743 1885i A manual on the registration of deeds and other assurances in Yorkshire, under the Yorkshire Registries Act, 1884, (47 & 48 Vic., c. 54) with practical notes on the sections of the act and the new rules and official forms, together with an appendix of statutes / 1
KD8864 .B744 A Briefe discourse declaring and approving the necessary and inviolable maintenance of the laudable customes of London namely, of that one, whereby a reasonable partition of the goods of husbands among their wives and children is provided : with an answer to such objections and pretenced reasons, as are by persons unadvised or evill perswaded, used against the same. 2
KD8872 .A2 The abridgement of the charter of the city of London being every free-man's privilege / 2
KD8874 .W4 The London Eyre of 1276 / 1
KD8879.A7 W119 Administrative law, /
Administrative law /
KD8882 .B45 A plea for the commonality of London, or, A vindication of their rights (which have been long with-holden from them) in the choice of sundry city officers as also a justification of the power of the Court of Common-Councell in the making of acts or by-laws for the good and profit of the citizens ... : in a speech delivered in Common-Councell on Munday the 24th of February, 1644 / 2
KD8882 .B64 1702i Privilegia Londini, or, The laws, customs, priviledges of the city of London wherein are set forth all the charters from King William I. to His present Majesty King William III. All their general and particular customs viz.. against foreigners, of a feme sole merchant, of disfranchisements of freemens wills, of executors and adminisrators, of fining those that refuse their office, of market-overt, of prisage, &c. The nature of by-laws, what are good, and what not, and how pleadable, with several special cases relating to the same. Also of masters and apprentices, variety of cases, and pleading thereon. Likewise the manner of proceeding in attachments, pleadings in foreign attachments, with several cases thereof, and forms of pleadings thereon. The custom of orphans in several remarkable cases. Together with the practice of all the courts, with the fees thereunto belonging. As also the exact table of fees, as they were given in by order of the Court of Aldermen under the hands of the several prothonotaries, secondaries, attornies, and clerk-sitters in both compters, keepers of woodstreet and poultry compters, and Ludgate. With several other useful matters relating thereunto. Necessary for all merchants, tradesmen, citizens, and others. With an exact table to the whole. 1
KD8882 .B64 1723i Privilegia Londini or, The rights, liberties, privileges, laws, and customs, of the city of London : wherein are contained, I. The several charters granted to the said city, from K. William I. to the present times; II. The magistrates and officers thereof, with their respective creations, elections, rights, duties, and authorities; III. The laws and customs of the city, as the same relate either to the persons or estates of the citizens viz. of freemens wills, femme-sole merchants, orphans, apprentices, &c.; IV. The nature, jurisdiction, practice, and proceedings of the several courts thereof, with tables of fees relating thereto; V. The several statutes concerning the said city, and citizens, alphabetically digested / 1
KD8882.C58 1680 The citizens of London, by their charter, among themselves may make sheriffs whom they will, and may remove them when they will 1
KD8882 .L39 1765i The laws and customs, rights, liberties, and privileges, of the city of London containing: the several charters granted to the said city, from William the Conqueror to the present time; the magistrates and officers thereof, and their respective creations, elections, rights, duties, and authorities, the laws and customs of the city, as the same relate to the persons or estates of the citizens; the nature, jurisdiction, practice and proceedings of the several courts in London; and the acts of Parliament concerning the cities of London and Westminster. 1