Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KD8747 .D44 1685i | The parson's counsellor with the law of tythes or tything / | 1 |
KD8747 .H8 | The Humble petition of many well-affected persons of Somerset, Wilts and some part of Devon, Dorset and Hampshire to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England against tythes together with the Parliaments answer thereunto and resolves thereupon. | 2 |
KD8747 (INTERNET) | Decimarum et oblationum tabula. = A tithing table or table of tithes and oblations, according to the Kings ecclesiasticall lawes and ordinances established in the Church of England: now newly reduced into a booke. Contayning as well the very letter of the law vnder which these rights be seuerally comprised, together with such questions of tything, and their resolutions by the lawes canon, ciuill, and approued doctors opinions of the same, as be ordinarily moued, and which doe often proue to controuersies heerein: as also a briefe and summarie declaration of composition, transaction, custome, prescription, priuilege; and how they preuaile in tything. / | 1 |
KD8747 .M57 1822i | A practical treatise on the law of tithes | 1 |
KD8747 .P5 1806 | The principles and law of tithing, : adapted to the instruction and convenience not only of gentlemen of the profession of the law, but of all persons interested in tithes; illustrated by references to the most leading and recent tithe cases / | 1 |
KD8747 .P56 1806i | The principles and law of tithing adapted to the instruction and convenience not only of gentlemen of the profession of the law, but of all persons interested in tithes : illustrated by references to the most leading and recent tithe cases / | 1 |
KD8747 .S53 | The parsons guide, or, The law of tythes wherein is shewed, who must pay tythes, and to whom, and of what things, when and how they must be paid, and how they may be recovered at this day, and how a man may be discharged of payment thereof / | 2 |
KD8747 .S85 1891i | The law of tithes and tithe rent-charge being a treatise on the law of tithe rent-charge, with a sketch of the history and law of tithes prior to the communication acts, and including the Tithe act of 1891, with the rules thereunder / | 1 |
KD8747 .T65 1808 | A treatise of the law of tithes; compiled in part from some notes of Richard Wooddeson ... | 1 |
KD8747 .T65 1822i | A treatise on the law of tithes | 1 |
KD8751 .E53 1662 |
An act for the uniformity of publick prayers and administration of sacraments and other rites and ceremonies and for establishing the form of making, ordaining and consecrating bishops, priests and deacons in the Church of England. An Act for Uniformity of Publick Prayers |
3 |
KD8751 .P47 1871i | Notes on the judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the appeal Hebbert v. Purchas delivered February 23, 1871 / | 1 |
KD8753 .H36 1866i | The law relating to ritualism in the United Church of England and Ireland with practical suggestions for amendment of the law and a form of bill for that purpose / | 1 |
KD8760 .H3 1972b | Before the bawdy court: selections from church court and other records relating to the correction of moral offences in England, Scotland and New England, 1300-1800. | 1 |
KD8760 .M37 |
Immorality, debauchery, and profaness [sic], exposed to the reproof of Scripture, and the censure of the law containing a compendium of the penal laws now in force against idleness, profaneness, and drunkenness, houses of unlawful games, profane swearing and cursing, speaking or acting in contempt of the Holy Sacrament, disturbing of ministers, profane jesting with the name of God, absenting from the church, profanation of the Lord's day, debauched incontinency, and bastard-getting : with several texts of Scripture prohibiting such vices : and a brief collection of the signal judgments of God against offenders in the said vices and debaucheries / Immorality, debauchery, and profaness [sic], exposed to the reproof of Scripture, and the censure of the law containing a compendium of the penal laws now in force against idleness, profaneness, and drunkenness, houses of unlawful games, profane swearing and cursing, speaking or acting in contempt of the Holy Sacrament, disturbing of ministers, profane jesting with the name of God, absenting from the church, profanation of the Lord's day, debauched incontinency, and bastard-getting : with several texts of Scripture prohibiting such vices : and a brief collection of the signal judgments of God against offenders in the said vices and debaucheries / |
2 |
KD8763 .H63 1792i | A treatise on heresy, as cognizable by the spiritual courts and an examination of the statute 9th and 10th of William IIId. c.32, entitled, "An act for the more effectual suppressing of blasphemy and profaneness, in denying by writing, printing, teaching, or advised speaking, the divine original of the scriptures, or the doctrine of the Holy Trinity" / | 1 |
KD8765 .B5 1699 | The Bishop of St. David's case | 1 |
KD8804 | Sharia councils and Muslim women in Britain : rethinking the role of power and authority / | 1 |
KD8804 .M37 2022 | A geo-legal approach to the English Sharia courts : cases and conflicts / | 1 |
KD8850 .E77 |
Ad generalem sessionem pacis pro comitatu prædicto tent. apud Chelmisford in dicto comitatu die Martis quinto die Octobris anno regni Domini nostri Caroli ... whereas the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privie Councell by His Highnesse expresse direction have by their severall letters commended unto us severall instructions .. At a generall asse[m]blie of the iustices of the pea[ce] ... |
2 |