Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD8952 .B8 1674 This court taking into their consideration, that the utmost time appointed for taking down and removing all such sheds, shops, and other like buildings, which have been erected since the late dismal fire ... 2
KD8952.B8 A13 1661 By the King. A proclamation concerning building, in, and about London and Westminster. 1
KD8952.B8 .A3 1667 At the court at Whitehall the eighth of May 1667. Present the King's Most Excellent Majesty, His Royal Highness the Duke of York, ... Sir William Coventry. An order made by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, of the 29. of April last past, in the ensuing words, (viz.) 1
KD8952.B8 A3 1667 At the court at Whitehall the eighth of May 1667 present the King's Most Excellent Majesty ... an order made by the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and common council of the city of London, of the 29 of April last past.
At the court at Whitehall the eighth of May 1667 present the King's Most Excellent Majesty ... an order made by the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and common council of the city of London, of the 29 of April last past ..
KD8952.B8 A3 1896i The London building act, 1894 a text-book for the use of architects, surveyors, builders, etc. containing the act printed in extenso, together with a full abstract, giving all the sections of the act which relate to buildings, set out in tabular form for easy reference and an introduction showing the leading alterations made by the act : also the unrepealed sections, relating to building, of all other acts, and the byelaws, standing orders and regulations of the London County Council, etc. etc., illustrated with nineteen plates showing the thickness of walls, plans of chimneys, shop fronts, openings and recesses permitted in party and external walls, how much party wall must be on respective owners' land where owners are building different class of building, the walling necessary in certain cases of lights in roofs, etc. / 1
KD8952.B8 A3 1906i The London building acts, 1894 to 1905 (57 & 58 Victoria, cap. CCXIII; 61 & 62 Victoria, cap. CXXXVII; 5 Edwardus VII. cap. CCIX) : with copious index, notes, cross references, legal decisions and diagrams : also the bylaws and regulations / 1
KD8952.B8 C83 1911i Building in London a treatise on the law and practice affecting the erection and maintenance of buildings in the metropolis / 1
KD8952 .C5 By the mayor whereas in order to the re-building of the city.
By the mayor whereas in order to the re-building of the city ..
KD8952.C5 E54 1657 An act for the preventing of the multiplicity of buildings in and about the suburbs of London, and vvithin ten miles thereof. 1
KD8952 .S7 1671 By the Commissioners for Sewers, Pavements, &c. in London it is ordered, that the clerk do forthwith send to the deputies and common council-men of the several wards, a note of the names of the pavier or paviers designed for each ward.
By the Commissioners for Sewers, Pavements, &c. in London it is ordered, that the clerk do forthwith send to the deputies and common council-men of the several wards, a note of the names of the pavier or paviers designed for each ward ..
KD8952 .S7 1688 Whereas the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor hath this morning signified to this court, that His Majesty takes notice and is displeased, that the streets of this city are no better kept in paving and cleansing ... 2
KD8962.W3 The New River a legal history / 1
KD8962.W3 R83 1985 The New River : a legal history / 1
KD8962.W3 R83 1985i The New River a legal history / 1
KD8970 .A3 1671 An Act of Common Council together with certain orders, rules, and directions touching the paving and cleansing the streets, lanes and common passages with the city of London, and liberties thereof : and other things relating thereunto. 2
KD8970 .C58 1668 Orders set downe by the court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London, concerning the rates of carriages with carrs within this city and the liberties thereof, to continue untill further order be taken in that behalf. 1
KD8970 .L66 1660 [Rate schedule for transportation of commodities within London] 1
KD8972 .C3 Tuesday the twenty sixth of May 1657 whereas the late ordinances touching hackney coaches.
Tuesday the twenty sixth of May 1657 whereas the late ordinances touching hackney coaches ..
KD8972 .C3 1658 An Act of Common-Councell made the first day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1658 for the better rule, oversight and government of the carrs, carts, carters or carmen within the city of London, and liberties of the same. 2
KD8972 .C3 1665 Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guildhall civitas London, vicesimo primo die Junii, anno Domini, 1665 ... 2