Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD979.W5 To the right honorable the lords spirituall and temporall in this present Parliament assembled. The humble petition of Edward Willughby Esquire and Winifride his wife, William Pargiter Esquire and Abigal his wife, Montague Wood Esquire and Francis his wife. 1
KD979 .W55 1790i Original precedents in conveyancing settled and approved by the most eminent conveyancers : interspersed with the observations and opinions of counsel upon various intricate cases : the whole selected from the draughts of actual practice, and now first published / 1
KD979 .W65 1885i The Conveyancing Acts, 1881, 1882, and the Vendor and Purchases Act, 1874 with notes, and forms and precedents adapted for use under the acts ; also the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, and rules of court / 1
KD979 .W65 1891i The Conveyancing Acts, 1881, 1882 the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874, the Land Charges Registration and Searches Act, 1888, the Trustee Act, 1888, the Trust Investment Act, 1889, the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, and the Settled Land Acts, 1882 to 1890, with notes and rules of court / 1
KD979 .W65 1905i Wolstenholme's conveyancing and settled land acts the Vendor and purchaser act, 1874, the Conveyancing acts, 1881, 1882 and 1892, the Land transfer act, 1897, part 1, the Land charges registration and searches act, 1888, the Land charges act, 1900, the Trustee acts, 1888, 1889, 1893, 1894, the Married women's property acts, 1882 and 1893, the Settled land acts, 1882 to 1890, with notes and rules of court. 1
KD979 .W66 1792i A complete body of conveyancing in theory and practice / 1
KD979.3 .H37 1993i History in deed medieval society & the law in England, 1100-1600 : an exhibition of deeds & charters from the Harvard Law School Library, November-December 1993 / 1
KD979.5.S37 2000eb Conveyancing (3rd ed.) 1
KD979.6 The impact of econveyancing on title registration : a risk assessment / 1
KD979.6 .M37 1893i An epitome of conveyancing statutes extending from 13 Edward I to the end of 55 & 56 VictoriƦ : with short notes / 1
KD980 .H39 1840 An introduction to conveyancing, and the new statutes concerning real property ; with precedents and practical notes. 1
KD980 .P47 1827 A profitable book, treating of the laws of England : principally as they relate to conveyancing / 1
KD980 .P74 1819 A treatise on conveyancing ; with a view to its application to practice: being a series of practical observations, written in a plain familiar style, which have for their object to assist in preparing draughts, and in judging of the operation of deeds, by distinguishing between the formal and essential parts of those deeds, &c. in general use: being a course of lectures. With an appendix of select and appropriate precedents. 1
KD980 .S53 1699 The law of common assurances touching deeds in general viz. [brace] feoffments, gifts, grants, leases : with two alphabetical tables / 2
KD980 .S54 1840 Sheppard's Touchstone of common assurances : or, A plain and familiar treatise, opening the learning of the common assurances, or Conveyances of the kingdom. 1
KD980 .W43 1773 The pocket conveyancer .. 1
KD980.3 .B79 1697 Ars transferendi dominium, or, A sure law-guide to the conveyancer consisting of many observations and various questions, with their resolutions, relating to feoffments, grants, fines, common recoveries, exchanges, releases, confirmations, attornments, surrenders, bargains and sales, and devises / 1
KD982 .C66 1878i A handy book of exercises on a series of abstracts of title to freehold, copyhold, and leasehold estates, and personalty with observations and requisitions on each title, arranged as exercises for the use of law students and articled clerks : including the Real property limitation act, 1874, 37 & 38 Vict. c. 57, the Real property (vendor and purchaser) act, 37 & 38 Vict. c. 78, and observations thereon / 1
KD982 .C66 1895i Comyns' exercises on abstracts of title arranged for the use of law students and articled clerks. 1
KD982 .E47 1887 On searches : containing a concise treatise on the law of judgments, crown debts, executions, lis pendens, bankruptcy, insolvency, annuities, and statutory charges, as affecting land / 1