Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDC766 .S36 1686 A proclamation, continuing the adjournment of the current Parliament, from the first Thursday of April next, to the twenty ninth of that moneth, 1686.
A proclamation dissolving the Parliament
A proclamation, adjourning the Parliament, from the seventeenth of August, to the twenty first of October, 1686.
KDC766 .S36 1689 A proclamation for adjourning of the Parliament, from the 20 December to the 1 of March thereafter.
A proclamation, for adjourning the Parliament, from the eighth of October next, to the twentieth of December thereafter. At Edinburgh, the first day of October, one thousand six hundred eighty nine years.
KDC766 .S36 1690 A proclamation, for adjourning the Parliament, to the twenty seventh of March. At Edinburgh, the fifteenth day of March, one thousand six hundred ninety years.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 25 of March 1691
KDC766 .S36 1691 A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the twenty fifth day of March, to the fifteenth day of May, 1691.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 15th day of May instant, until the 16th of September next.
KDC766 .S36 1692 A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 17 of August, to the 16 of November, 1692.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 15th day of April, to the 17th day of August next, 1692.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the fourteenth of January instant, to the fifteenth day of April next, 1692.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the sixteenth day of November, 1692, to the seventeenth day of January, 1693.
KDC766 .S36 1693 A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the first day of March 1693, to the sixth day of April 1693.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the sixth day of April, to the eighteenth of the said month 1693.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament till the ninth day of January next to come.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fifteenth day of March next to come.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the tenth of February next, to the first of March next, 1693.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the seventeenth of Januar, to the tenth of February, 1693.
KDC766 .S36 1694 Act and intimation, anent this currant Parliament. Edinburgh, October 11. 1694.
Act and intimation anent this currant Parliament. Edinburgh, June 14. 1694.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 13. of Decemb. 1694.
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament from the fifteenth of March instant, until the fifteenth of June next.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fifteenth day of February 1695
KDC766 .S36 1695 A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament, to the twentieth of March next, 1696.
Acts for settling the orders in the Parliament-House
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the eighteenth day of April 1695.
Proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the eighteenth day of August, to the fifteenth day of December, 1697.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the eighteenth day of April, to the ninth day of May 1695.
Proclamation adjourning the Parliament till the twenty first of March next.
KDC766 .S36 1696 Proclamation adjourning the Parliament from August the 26th till September the 8th. 1696.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 20 day of March instant, to the 21st day of July next.
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament.
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament to the twenty sixth of August next.
KDC766 .S36 1697 Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the eleventh day of March 1697.
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament.
KDC766 .S36 1698 A proclamation adjourning the Parliament.
Act and intimation anent this current Parliament. At Edinburgh the fifteen day of November, 1698 years.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the twelfth day of July, 1698.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the twenty eight of June, 1698.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fourteenth day of March next
KDC766 .S36 1699 Proclamation for adjourning the Parliament.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 5th of March 1700 years.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 14th of June next.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 12th. of September next
KDC766 .S36 1700 Act and intimation anent this current Parliament 14 March, 1699.
Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 21 day of May instant 1700.
Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fourth day of July 1700.
Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the twenty ninth day of October instant 1700.
Proclamation for adjourning the Parliament to the 13 day of August next to come.
Proclamation for adjourning the Parliament to the twenty second day of October 1700.
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fourteenth day of May next 1700
KDC766 .T388 2002 Scotland's Parliament : triumph and disaster / 1
KDC766 .T39 1999 The Scottish Parliament / 1
KDC766 .T47 1905i The Scottish Parliament its constitution and procedure 1603-1707 : with an appendix of documents / 1
KDC766 .W5 1689 His Majesties letter to the Privy Council of Scotland, for opening the signet, and intimating the sitting of the session. 1
KDC766 .W5 1690 His Majesties gracious letter to the Privy Council of Scotland 1
KDC768.A25 1693 The lavvs and acts made in the fourth session of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraigns William & Mary, by the grace of God, king and queen of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, defenders of the faith holden and begun at Edinburgh, April 18, 1693 : by His Grace William, Duke of Hamilton ... president of Their Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council and Lord High Admiral of Scotland : Their Majesties high commissioner for holding this Parliament by vertue of a commission under Their Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / 1
KDC771.A25 I5 1689 Intimation by the town-clerk of Edinburgh, to the whole burgesses of the said burgh, concerning the election of their commissioners to the meeting of the estates of this kingdom, which is to be holden the 14th day of March 1689 years. 1