Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDC810 .A23 1630 Act anent the taxation granted to His Maiestie of thirtie shillings tearmelie vpon the pound land , and the twentie pennie of all anwelrents. At Holy-Rude-House the 28. day of Iulie 1630. 1
KDC810 .A29 1630 Act anent the collecting of the taxation, and reliefe to prelates. At Holy-Rude-House the 28. day of Iulie 1630. 1
KDC810 .S36 1644 An act and ordinance of the Convention of Estates of the kingdom of Scotland for the speedie raising of moneys by way of excise for supplying the forces raised in this kingdome for defence of religion, crovvn, and kingdomes : and payment of the debts for which the publike faith shall be engaged to that end.
Acts and statutes set downe by the Committee of Estates of Scotland; for regulating the matter of excise, and speedy bringing in of the moneyes to be raised thereupon: conforme to the power given to them by the Convention of Estates.
KDC810 .S36 1646 Act anent the excise 1
KDC810 .S36 1648 Edinburgh the 3. of November, 1648. Whereas, by act of the Committe of Estates at Edinburgh ... it was appointed that the monthly maintenance should be prorogate ..
Act of the Committe of Estates of Parliament: for prorogating the monethly maintenance for the four moneths of October, November, and December 1648. and January 1649. And for the proportionall retention of the annual-rents during that time.
KDC810 .S36 1649 Act concerning the valuations and continuing the maintenance for the moneths of November and December 1649. and Ianuary 1650. 1
KDC810 .S36 1660 An Act of the Committee of Estates, for raising six moneths assessment. Edinburgh, 12th. October, 1660. 1
KDC810 .S36 1696 Act appointing collectors of shires to receive clipped merk-pieces from the parish-collectors of the pole-money, and ordaining diligence against parish-collectors. Edinburgh, January 28, 1696. 1
KDC810 .S36 1697 Proclamation anent the deficients of the levies 1693 and 1695 1
KDC810 .S36 1699 Proclamation regulating several particulars anent the pole, and intimating the next years pole. 1
KDC810.S4 1665 Act of the Convention of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, holden at Edinburgh, in August, 1665. By a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lesly and Bambreith, &c., His Majesties Commissioner: for a free and voluntar [sic] offer of a taxation to His Majesty. 1
KDC812 .F3 1688 Unto the right honourable the Lords of Councill and Session the report, representation, and petition, of the Committee of Advocats, appointed by Your Lordships to meet with the stent-masters of Edinburgh. 1
KDC812 .M33 1697 Unto his Grace his Majesties High Commissioner, ane [sic] the honourable Estates of Parliament, the petition of George Mackenzie sub-tacksman of the additional and annexed-excise of the northern shires. 1
KDC812 .R43 1700 Received from [William Bell Clerk and] collector of the cess of the burgh of [LinLithgou] the summ of [ffourtie ffyve pounds] Scots money, and that as a fourth part of a moneth cess, due by the said burgh of [LinLithgou] at VVitsunday 1700. To the Lords of Council as session, conform to the act of Parliament. As witness my hand at Edinburgh the [eightenith] day of [July] 1700 years. [Ja. Elphinstone] 1
KDC812 .S36 1645 Act anent the maintenance of the army and moneys to be raised for that effect. February 27. 1645. 1
KDC812 .S36 1657 An order and declaration of his Highnes council in Scotland, for the government thereof for the more equal raising the assessment, of ten thousand pounds sterling by the month, for the six months, commencing the first of January, 1656/7, and ending the last of June next following. 1
KDC812 .S36 1665 Charles, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, to the provotst and bailyes of our burgh of North Berwick ... Forasmuch as our Convention of Estates, holden at Edinburgh, the fourth day of August .. 1
KDC812 .S36 1685 Act of supply. Edinburgh, May 13. 1685. 1
KDC812 .S36 1688 Act, for inbringing of His Majesties excise and supply. Edinburgh, the twenty fourth day of December, 1688. 1
KDC812 .S36 1689 Act of the meeting of the estates, for inbringing of the publick dues
Act of the meeting of the Estates, for inbringing of the publick dues. Edinburgh, the eighteenth day of March, 1689.