Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KDC823 .S36 1691 | A proclamation, for rouping the in-land excise of this kingdom | 1 |
KDC835 1689 | Laws and ordinances, touching military discipline. | 1 |
KDC835 1691 | Laws and ordinances, touching military discipline. | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1643 |
At Edinburgh the fourth of March, 1643. Forasmeikle as the Lords of His Majesties Privy Councell of this Kingdome, having, according to the offer made in Parliament, and particular treaty agreed upon with his Majesty and the Parliament of England, sent over to Ireland the number of ten thousand men, .. Act of the Committee of Estates for contriving the severall troupes appointed to come out of the shires into regiments. 26. November 1643. |
2 |
KDC835.A25 1644 .S36 | An act anent those who are or shall be fugitives or runawayes from their companies and colours | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1645 | At Edinburgh the 28th day of March 1645. The Committee of Estates, taking to their consideration the present condition of affairs in this kingdom, there being a number of unnaturall countreymen and traitors joyned with the Irish rebels risen in arms in the northern shires.. | 1 |
KDC835.A25 1645 .S36 | Act of the Committee of Estates for bringing up of deficients and runawayes, and quartering of them, and for ane [sic] account from the shires of their diligence in execution of former publike Acts. April 23. 1645. | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1648 |
At Edinburgh, the 6. of October. 1648. VVhereas upon disbanding of the forces lately in arms, in and about Sterling great numbers of officers and souldiers, of that army, and others returned from England: do resort hither to the city of Edinburgh, and suburbs thereof, and commit divers disorders and insolencies, .. Edinburgh, 22. September. 1648. Whereas divers persons in the iles and highlands of this kingdome, under pretence of commissions issued to the captains and cheiffs of clanns by the Duke of Hamiltoune.. |
2 |
KDC835.A25 1648 .S36 |
Act of the Committee of Estates for ordering the quarterings of the forces within the kingdom. Edinburgh, 15. July 1648. Act of the Committee of Estates against run-awayes, and fugitive souldiers, and their resetters. Edinburgh, 11. Iuly, 1648. |
2 |
KDC835 .A25 1656 | An order and declaration of his Highnes Council in Scotland, for the government thereof Prohibiting the bringing in of any arms or ammunition into Scotland, without licence. | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1689 | Act for the better regulating of His Majesties forces. At Edinburgh, the twenty third day of July, 1689. | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1691 | A proclamation, anent persons travelling to or from this kingdom. | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1693 |
Act for the levy. Edinburgh, the twenty third day of May 1693. Act against false musters and free quarters, and anent due paying of their Majesties forces. At Edinburgh, the ninth of May 1693. |
2 |
KDC835 .A25 1694 |
Act discharging boats, barks, or vessels from going to the Bass, or furnishing supplys thereto. Edinburgh, February 28. 1694. Act declaring who are meant by deserters, in the instructions from the Council to the Commissioners of Supply, anent the new levies. Edinburgh, 20 February, 1694. A proclamation, anent the horses and arms of such as refuse the oaths. A proclamation, anent recruits, and regulating the seising of deserters. Act, anent the deficients in the last levy. Edinburgh, the thirteenth day of December, 1694. Act anent persons travelling to England or Ireland without passes. At Edinburgh the twenty sixth day of January 1694 years. |
6 |
KDC835 .A25 1696 | Act discharging persons to travel from Edinburgh without passes. Edinburgh, December 8. 1696. | 1 |
KDC835 .A25 1697 |
Act anent deficients of the levy, one thousand, six hundred and ninety five. Edinburgh, 5th January, 1697. Act discharging any person to go aboard of, or correspond with French privateers. Edinburgh, August 3, 1697. |
2 |
KDC835.A25 S36 1650 | Edinbvrgh, 29. Junii, 1650. The Estates of Parliament now presently conveened ... taking to their consideration, the great abuses dayly committed by the running away of souldiers from their standing troops .. | 1 |
KDC835.A25 S36 1690 | A proclamation against deserters of the regiments and company which are to march to Inverlochy | 1 |
KDC835 .A3 1640 | Act against run-awayes, masterlesse men, and those who travels without testimonials. At Edinburgh, the twentie day of August 1640. | 1 |
KDC835 .A33 1664 | A proclamation for re-calling and prohibiting sea-men from the services of forreign princes and states. At Edinburgh, the seventh day of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty four. | 1 |