Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDC936.A52 W58 1887 Reports of cases before the High Court and circuit courts of justiciary in Scotland : from 24 December 1885 to [23 May 1893] / 1
KDC951 .S33 1982 The Scottish juvenile justice system / 1
KDC952 .A95 1983 Children and justice : decision-making in children's hearings and juvenile courts / 1
KDC958 (INTERNET) The pastor and the prelate, or , Reformation and conformitie shortly compared by the word of God, by antiquity and the proceedings of the ancient Kirk, by the nature and use of things indifferent, by the proceedings of our ovvne Kirk, by the vveill of the Kirk and of the peoples soules, and by the good of the commonvvealth and of our outvvard estate with the answer of the common & chiefest objections against everie part: shewing vvhether of the tvvo is to be follovved by the true Christian and countrieman. 1
KDC958 .L93 2016 Church and state in Scotland : developing law / 1
KDC958 .R63 2008eb The courts, the church and the constitution : aspects of the disruption of 1843 / 1
KDC958 .S36 1620 A proclamation for keeiping [sic] the actes of the generall assemblies of the kirk. 1
KDC958 .S36 1655 By his Highnes Councill in Scotland, for the government thereof. Although the said council have with some trouble observed, that diverse ministers of this nation, continue to pray in publick for the pretended King .. 1
KDC958 .S36 1662 At Edinburgh, the ninth day of January, one thousand six hundred and sixty two. The Lords of His Majesties Privy Council having considered His Majesties letter ... bearing, that whereas by the advice and consent of the Parliament, his Majesty did allow the administration of the church government of this kingdom by sessions, presbyteries, and synods .. 1
KDC958 .S36 1663 Act against separation and disobediance to ecclesiastical authority. Edinburgh, the tenth day of July, one thousand six hundred and sixty three.
Edinburgh, the seventh day of October, one thousand six hundred and sixty three. Whereas his Majesty ... finding that many seditious and turbulent persons, ministers and others in the Kingdom of Ireland ... were coming over, expecting shelter here, ..
KDC958 .S36 1664 Edinburgh, the seventeenth of November, one thousand six hundred and sixty four. Forasmuch as it is notour, that divers ministers, who have gone off their charges, or are outed by law, do ordinarily repair to Edinburgh, and other burghs and places, expressly forbidden by acts of Council, ...
Edinburgh, the second day of February, one thousand six hundred and sixty four. Forasmuch as the lords of his Majesties Privy Council, taking to their consideration, the great advantage and profit will redound to the lieges of this Kingdom, by keeping of the time of Lent ..
KDC958 .S36 1665 By the King. A proclamation, for a publick general thanksgiving, throughout the realm of Scotland.
By the King. A proclamation, for a publick general fast, throughout the realm of Scotland.
A proclamation, for a publick general fast throughout the kingdom of Scotland. At Edinburgh, the eight day of August, one thousand six hundred and sixty five years.
KDC958 .S36 1666 A proclamation for procuring obedience to ecclesiastical authority. Edinburgh, the eleventh day of October, one thousand six hundred and sixty six. 1
KDC958 .S36 1669 A proclamation, against conventicles. Edinburgh, the eight day of April, one thousand six hundred and sixty nine.
A proclamation, against keeping of conventicles. Edinburgh, the third day of August, one thousand six hundred and sixty nine.
KDC958 .S36 1670 A proclamation anent conventicles. Edinburgh, the third day of February, one thousand six hundred and seventy. 1
KDC958 .S36 1675 A proclamation prorogating the Acts of Parliament against conventicles, and separation from the publick meetings of divine worship.
Letters of intercommuning against persons declared fugitives for not compearing to answer for conventicles, &c.
An act appointing a fast throughout the whole kingdom of Scotland
KDC958 .S36 1676 A proclamation against conventicles, and other disorders. 1
KDC958 .S36 1677 A proclamation, obliging heritors and masters, for their tennants and servants. 1
KDC958 .S36 1678 A proclamation, anent tenents and others who shall be removed for not taking, the band to live orderly.
A proclamation for a publick general fast throrowout the realm of Scotland
KDC958 .S36 1679 By the King. A proclamation. Charles R. ... We having, with the advice and consent of Our Parliaments, past so many acts in favors of the Protestant religion, against field-conventicles .. 1