Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDZ171 .A48 1970i The laws of the British colonies in the West Indies and other parts of America, concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves with a view of the constitution of each colony / 1
KDZ223 .C36 2022 Truth and privilege : libel law in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1820-1840 / 2
KDZ223 .C36 2022i Truth and privilege libel law in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1820-1840 / 1
KDZ226 .A6 1961 Desarrollos en la ley de la responsabilidad del estado; igualdad de tratamiento y la norma internacional. Developments in the law of state responsibility. 1
KDZ245 .G48 1984 Financing consumer sales and product defences in Canada and the United States / 1
KDZ250 .Y68 1969 The law of negotiable instruments (bills of exchange) in the Americas; an analytical statutory concordance. La legislación títulos de crédito (letra de cambio) en América; concordancia analítica de disposiciones legales. 1
KDZ250 .Y68 1969i The law of negotiable instruments (bills of exchange) in the Americas an analytical statutory concordance = La legislación títulos de crédito (letra de cambio) en América : concordancia analítica de disposiciones legales / 1
KDZ260 .A6 1988 The Financial services revolution : policy directions for the future / 1
KDZ260 .R44 1997 Regulation and supervision of financial institutions in the NAFTA countries and beyond / 1
KDZ260 .W48 1994 Financial market liberalization : the NAFTA framework / 1
KDZ272 .K69 Commercial letters of credit in the Americas; a comparative study of contemporary commercial transactions. 1
KDZ290.M65 B39 1960 Aircraft mortgage in the Americas : a study in comparative aviation law, with documents / 1
KDZ346 .F45 1986 International law of take-overs and mergers. 1
KDZ351 .B33 1957i Background material on the activities in the Organization of American States relating to the law of the sea 1
KDZ357 .B395 1960i Aircraft mortgage in the Americas a study in comparative aviation law, with documents / 1
KDZ384 .T73 2003 Transnational insolvency : cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1
KDZ384 .T73i Transnational insolvency cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1
KDZ384 .T732 2003 Transnational insolvency : cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1
KDZ384 .T7322 2003 Transnational insolvency : cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1
KDZ384 .T7323 2003 Transnational insolvency : cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1