Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDZ145 .S26 2010 Same-sex marriage in the Americas : policy innovation for same-sex relationships / 1
KDZ156 .I74 1947i Divorce in the Americas 1
KDZ171 Ownership paradigms in American civil law jurisdictions : manifestations of the shifts in the legislation of Louisiana, Chile, and Argentina (16th-20th centuries) / 1
KDZ171 .A48 1970i The laws of the British colonies in the West Indies and other parts of America, concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves with a view of the constitution of each colony / 1
KDZ223 .C36 2022 Truth and privilege : libel law in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1820-1840 / 2
KDZ223 .C36 2022i Truth and privilege libel law in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1820-1840 / 1
KDZ226 .A6 1961 Desarrollos en la ley de la responsabilidad del estado; igualdad de tratamiento y la norma internacional. Developments in the law of state responsibility. 1
KDZ245 .G48 1984 Financing consumer sales and product defences in Canada and the United States / 1
KDZ250 .Y68 1969 The law of negotiable instruments (bills of exchange) in the Americas; an analytical statutory concordance. La legislación títulos de crédito (letra de cambio) en América; concordancia analítica de disposiciones legales. 1
KDZ250 .Y68 1969i The law of negotiable instruments (bills of exchange) in the Americas an analytical statutory concordance = La legislación títulos de crédito (letra de cambio) en América : concordancia analítica de disposiciones legales / 1
KDZ260 .A6 1988 The Financial services revolution : policy directions for the future / 1
KDZ260 .R44 1997 Regulation and supervision of financial institutions in the NAFTA countries and beyond / 1
KDZ260 .W48 1994 Financial market liberalization : the NAFTA framework / 1
KDZ272 .K69 Commercial letters of credit in the Americas; a comparative study of contemporary commercial transactions. 1
KDZ290.M65 B39 1960 Aircraft mortgage in the Americas : a study in comparative aviation law, with documents / 1
KDZ346 .F45 1986 International law of take-overs and mergers. 1
KDZ351 .B33 1957i Background material on the activities in the Organization of American States relating to the law of the sea 1
KDZ357 .B395 1960i Aircraft mortgage in the Americas a study in comparative aviation law, with documents / 1
KDZ384 .T73 2003 Transnational insolvency : cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1
KDZ384 .T73i Transnational insolvency cooperation among the NAFTA countries. 1