KDZ54.B3 A3 1949
Proceedings of the sixth conference held at Detroit, Michigan, May 22 - June 1, 1949 / |
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KDZ54.B3 A3 1961
Twelfth conference proceedings. |
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KDZ66 .S46 2015
Legal services regulation at the crossroads Justitia's legions / |
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KDZ66 .S46 2015i
Legal services regulation at the crossroads Justitia's legions / |
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KDZ76 .L43 1992
Law for the elephant, law for the beaver : essays in the legal history of the North American West / |
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KDZ88 .C35 1966
La obra del Comité Jurídico Interamericano / |
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KDZ88 .T69 2012
Toward a North American legal system |
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KDZ90 .S46 1983i
Comparative law studies law and legal systems of the Commonwealth Caribbean States and the other member of the Organization of American States : from the Seminar of Comparison on Law and Legal Systems of the Commonwealth Caribbean States, held at Bridgetown, Barbados, December 13/17, 1983. |
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KDZ110.A41928 I58 1954i
Comparative study of the Bustamante Code, the Montevideo treaties, and the Restatement of the law of conflict of laws |
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KDZ110 .V34 1947
O desenvolvimento do direito internacional privado na legislação dos estados americanos. |
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KDZ115 .I58i
Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission rules |
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KDZ116.C64 I58 1996
Los principios de UNIDROIT : un derecho comun de los contratos para las Americas? : actas / |
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KDZ127 .C35 2015
Codification, transplants and history : law reform in Louisiana (1808) and Quebec (1866) / |
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KDZ132 .O25 2005
Perspectives on disability, discrimination, accommodations, and law : a comparison of the Canadian and American experience / |
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KDZ136.W46 I58 1998
Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the status of women in the Americas. |
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KDZ136.W64 A3 1948i
Convención interamericana sobre concesión de los derechos civiles a la mujer, suscrita en la Novena Conferencia Internacional Americana, Bogotá, marzo 30-mayo 2, 1948 Inter-American convention on the granting of civil rights to women, signed at the Ninth International Conference of American States, Bogotá, March 30-May 2, 1948 = Convenção interamericana sõbre a concessão dos direitos civis à mulher, assinada na Nona Conferência Internacional Americana, Bogotá, 30 de Marco a 2 de Maio de 1948 = Convention interaméricaine sur la concession des droits civils à la femme, signée à la Neuvième Conférence Internationale Américaine, Bogotá, 20 mars-2 mai 1948. |
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KDZ136.W64 A57
News bulletin of the Inter-American Commission of Women. |
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KDZ136.W64 I58 1949i
Final act of the Special Assembly of the Inter-American Commission of Women held in Buenos Aires, August 8-24, 1949. |
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KDZ136.W64 I58 1998
Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the status of women in the Americas. |
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KDZ136.W64 I5843i
Acta final |
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