Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDZ803 .R66 1912i Argument of the Honorable Elihu Root on behalf of the United States before the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Tribunal at The Hague, 1910 / 1
KDZ815 .R44 2015eb RegulaciĆ³n comparada de yacimientos no convencionales / 1
KDZ828.S74 A2 1983i Steel Industry Compliance Extension Act of 1981 P.L. 97-23, 95 Stat. 139, July 17, 1981. 1
KDZ835 FIDIC CONTRACTS IN THE AMERICAS a practical guide to application / 1
KDZ840 .C38 1988 Extraterritoriality in international trade : Canada and United States of America practices compared / 1
KDZ856.A6 C65 1988 Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Canada/U.S. Trade in Energy, May 18-20, 1988, Montreal, Canada / 1
KDZ856.A6 C65 1989 American Bar Association proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Canada-U.S. Trade in Energy, May 11-12, 1989, Washington, D.C. / 1
KDZ859 .P365 1961i Nuclear energy legislation in the American States study prepared in accordance with recommendation no. 24 of the Inter-American Committee of Presidential Representatives. 1
KDZ862 .K69 1996 Transportation law and practice in North America / 1
KDZ875 .L49 1885i Lewis' law of shipping being a treatise on the law respecting the inland and sea-coast shipping of Canada and the United States : containing the statutes appertaining down to the year 1885 / 1
KDZ911 NAFTA Tax Law and Policy Resolving the Clash between Economic and Sovereignty Interests 1
KDZ911 .C63 2005 NAFTA tax law and policy : resolving the clash between economic and sovereignty interests / 1
KDZ911 .C63 2005eb NAFTA tax law and policy : resolving the clash between economic and sovereignty interests / 2
KDZ944.A12 M48 1996 A NAFTA bibliography / 1
KDZ944.A4 1992 A74 1995 Is NAFTA constitutional? / 1
KDZ944.A41992 A12 1992 North American Free Trade Agreement : preliminary text. 1
KDZ944.A41992 A12 1992b North American Free Trade Agreement : proposed treaty : description of proposal, statement of President, fact sheet, competition policy. 1
KDZ944.A41992 A12 1992c North American Free Trade Agreement. 1
KDZ944.A41992 A2 1992 North American Free Trade Agreement : final text. 1
KDZ944.A41992 A2 1992i North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States 1